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Reading an analog clock

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Présentation au sujet: "Reading an analog clock"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Reading an analog clock
SHORT HAND = hours LONG HAND = minutes The minute hand has to be longer because it needs to be more specific to show the exact minutes. Analog clocks do not tell AM or PM

2 The numbers tell the hour, but to figure out the minutes you must use multiples of 5.
00 05 55 50 10 QUARTER AFTER QUARTER TIL 45 15 HALF AFTER 20 40 35 25 30

3 Reading an analog clock
As the minute hand moves around the clock to get to the next hour, the hour hand will move slowly between the two hours. So, at 4:30, the hour hand will be between the 4 and the 5.

4 Time on the hour Quelle heure est-il? /Il est quelle heure? Il est heure/heures midi minuit EXEMPLES: Il est huit heures. Il est une heure. Il est midi.

5 Time on the hour practice
Il est huit heures. Il est deux heures. Il est une heure. Il est cinq heures. Il est six heures. Il est midi. Il est minuit.


7 Time OF DAY The French do not use AM or PM. They use the equivalent of in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening. du matin de l’après-midi du soir EXEMPLE: Il est une heure du matin. Je regarde la télé à huit heures du soir.


9 If you want to say what time something happens use .
à EXEMPLE: Il arrive à cinq heures.

10 But what about military time?
military time is only used to give the time on a schedule, so if someone is asking you what time it is, you don’t use it.

11 But what about military time?
However, for those of you who understand clocks… J’arrive à une heure de l’après-midi. Le train arrive à treize heures. Mon cours est à quatorze heures.

12 Time 01 to 30 past the hour with the exception of 15 minutes and 30 minutes, you just use the number of minutes past the hour. EXEMPLES: 8:05 Il est huit heures cinq. 1:13 Il est une heure treize. 12:20 Il est midi vingt.

13 Time 01 to 30 past the hour When it is 15 minutes (quarter after) and 30 minutes (half after), they have their own phrases. et quart et demie * et demi for midi and minuit EXEMPLES: 8:15 Il est huit heures et quart. 1:30 Il est une heure et demie 12:30 Il est midi et demi.

14 Time on the hour practice
Il est sept heures vingt-huit. Il est midi une./ Il est minuit une. Il est cinq heures sept. Il est dix heures vingt-trois. Il est deux heures dix. Il est six heures six.

15 Time on the hour practice
Il est midi et quart. / Il est minuit et quart. Il est quatre heures et demie.

16 they just use the solid minutes, never « et quart » and « et demie ».
But what about military time? they just use the solid minutes, never « et quart » and « et demie ».

17 But what about military time?
However, for those of you who understand clocks… J’arrive à une heure et quart. Le train arrive à treize heures quinze. Mon cours est à quatorze heures trente.

18 devoirs Create a time ladder using time on the hour and time of day (when necessary). You need to have 14 times, including ones with noon and midnight. If we have gotten to time past the hour, it has to include at least 7 of those! *Fold paper in half, double space! 21 points

19 Example (that you cannot use. ): 3:00 am Il est trois heures du matin
Example (that you cannot use!): 3:00 am Il est trois heures du matin. *Too easy? If so, include military time as well! (note with MT) 3:00 pm (MT) Il est quinze heures.

20 devoirs Use your « time ladder » to quiz yourself. OR Use your « time ladder » with a classmate to quiz yourselves. Have witnessing adult (not a HS student, over age of 18) sign your ladder saying you quizzed yourself or practiced with a partner and (one of you) made it to the top. 9 points

21 Time ladders may be accepted late (50%)…
but the practice will not be.

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