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Quel temps fait-il? jeudi 3 octobre 2a 3c 3b+

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Présentation au sujet: "Quel temps fait-il? jeudi 3 octobre 2a 3c 3b+"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Quel temps fait-il? jeudi 3 octobre 2a 3c 3b+
To name 5 types of weather in French To say what the weather is like in different seasons To say what you do during different types of weather 3c 3b+

2 First prize – two merits each Runners up – one merit each
To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Pour commencer Concours de dictionnaire! In pairs, you have 5 minutes to look up as many words that might be related to today’s lesson as you can. First prize – two merits each Runners up – one merit each Bonne chance! Hint: Look at our objectives and think of words you might need for them!

3 Quel temps fait-il? Il neige Il pleut Il fait chaud Il fait froid
To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Quel temps fait-il? Il neige Il pleut Il fait chaud Il fait froid Il y a de l’orage Il y a des nuages Il y a du soleil Il y a du brouillard Il y a du vent

4 Quel temps fait-il? *l n**g* *l pl**t *l f**t ch**d *l f**t fr**d
To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Quel temps fait-il? *l n**g* *l pl**t *l f**t ch**d *l f**t fr**d *l y * d* l’*r*g* *l y * d*s n**g*s *l y * d* s*l**l *l y * d* br***ll*rd *l y * d* v*nt

5 Quel temps fait-il? To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a
To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Quel temps fait-il?

6 To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a
To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Quel temps fait-il?

7 Quel temps fait-il? Il y a du soleil Il y a de l’orage
To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Quel temps fait-il? Il y a du soleil Il y a de l’orage Il y a des nuages Il neige Il y a du vent Il pleut Il fait chaud Il y a du brouillard Il fait froid

8 Quel temps fait-il? En printemps En été En hiver En autonne
To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Quel temps fait-il? En printemps En été En hiver En autonne

9 To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a
To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Lire (L4) Salut! Je m’appelle Taylor et j’habite dans une maison moderne dans un petit village dans le nord de la France. Je suis vraiment sportive! En été quand il fait chaud, je joue au tennis tous les week-ends et quand il y a du soleil je fais de la natation à la piscine mais quand il fait froid, je reste à la maison où je lis des magazines. Je déteste ça! Cependant, en primtemps quand il pleut souvent, je vais au centre sportif avec mes amis et on joue au foot dans la grande salle. En plus, en hiver, quand il neige, j’adore faire du ski et du snowboard avec ma soeur – c’est trop cool! Et en autonne quand il ne fait pas très chaud et il y a beaucoup de brouillard et parfois des orages, j’aime jouer au basket au parc avec mon chien car c’est vraiment effrayant! C’est super!

10 Lire (L4) Where does Taylor live? (6 details)
To name 5 types of weather in French – 2a To say what the weather is like in different seasons – 3c To say what you do during different types of weather – 3b+ Lire (L4) Where does Taylor live? (6 details) What does she do in summer when the weather is nice? (4 details) What does she do in summer when the weather isn’t nice and what does she think of it? (3 details) What does she say about spring? (4 details) And winter? (5 details) And autumn? (7 details) In a modern house in a small village in the North of France. She plays tennis every weekend and goes swimming at the pool. She stays at home and reads magazines and she hates it. When it often rains she goes to the sports centre with her friends and plays football in the big hall. When it snows she loves skiing and snowboarding with her sister. When it’s not very hot and quite foggy and sometimes stormy, she likes to play basketball at the park with her dog as it’s a bit scary.

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