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Microsoft Word Chapitre 3

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1 Microsoft Word Chapitre 3
Shamin Mehta Whitney Lubitz Lia Nichols Michael Anthony Welcome to Microsoft Word Chapter 3. Robert H. Smith faculté de Business Université du Maryland – Collège Park

2 Aperçu sur le chapitreb
Comment améliorer ses documents Nous couvrirons 9 leçons In this chapter we will focus on the abilities word has to enhance your documents. We will go through nine major objectives.

3 Ces objectifs incluent
Lecon 1- Object Linking and Embedding Lecon 2- les images de la gallerie Lecon 3- Format Picture Command Lecon 4- Word Art Lecon 5- l’internet et Word We will cover 9 objectives, the first five are: Object Linking and Embedding, Clip Art, Picture Formatting, Word Art and Word and the Internet.

4 Plus d’objectifs Lecon 6- les liens hyper texte et les fichiers HTML
Lecon 7- la barre d’outils de dessin Lecon 8- Footnotes and Endnotes Lecon 9- Wizards and Templates Additionally we will cover, Hyperlinks and HTML Files, The Drawing Toolbar, Footnotes and Endnotes, and Wizards and templates. No on to the material.

5 Lecon 1 Chaine des objets
Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 1 Chaine des objets In this section we will discuss the functions in Word which allow you to create compound document. Adding pictures and other images can help your document stand out from the crowd.

6 Chaine des objets et enfoncage
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE): Groupes de programmes Entrees partagees Object linking and embedding is a technology which allows a group of linked computer programs to share date or information. It is very useful in the real world, and is utilized quite often. You may even be using OLE without even realizing it!

7 Utilisations de OLE Produit des documents assembles
Importe des images de la gallerie Import des images Creer des entetes OLE is very useful for creating a compound document. It can be used to import a clip art picture from the Microsoft clip art gallery, or to create a headline using Microsoft Word Art. OLE is especially useful in a business environment. Many times it is used when preparing documents which are part of a proposal. If you are drawing up a proposal, and would like to include a graph of statistics with your document, Object Linking and Embedding, or OLE allows you to do this. You would create the graph in Microsoft Excel, and then insert the saved file in your Microsoft Word document.

8 Documents assembles Qu’est ce qu’un document assemble?
Entrees de differents programmes A document containing data which is received from several different programs via Object Linking and Embedding is known as a compound document. Similar to Object Linking and Embedding, Compound Documents are found quite frequently in the office environment. This is due to the fact that compound documents are created with the help of OLE.

9 Documents assembles Qu’ya t il dans un document assemble?
Plusieurs pieces de: Excel Access Internet Explorer When creating a compound document, the document starts in many different pieces. It is only for the final result that each component of the document is combined to form the compound document. For example, when creating a proposal, an employee may create a Word document detailing their plans. However, they may have done some preliminary research and gathered some statistics that they would like to include. In this case, the employee will likely create a graph of those statistics in Microsoft Excel, and insert it into the Microsoft Word document via Object Linking and Embedding. After the graph is added to the Word document, it would now be considered to be a compound document.

10 Quiz: Lecon 1 Pour inserer une picture enregistree d’un site web, vous devez utiliser l’enveloppe de mot. vrai faux Question- To insert a saved picture from a website, you should use text wrap. True/ False

11 Quiz: Lecon 1- reponse Pour inserer une image enregistrer d’un site web, vous devez utiliser l’envelope de mot. vrai faux Answer- False, you can use object linking, specifically the Insert Picture command.

12 Lecon 2 Image de la bibliotheque
Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 2 Image de la bibliotheque Now that we have set the groundwork with the explanation of compound documents, we will continue with how you can use word to create them. This lesson will focus on how you can add clip art to create compound documents.

13 Image de la bibliotheque de Microsoft
Plusieurs choix Disponible dans tus les programmes. The Microsoft Clip Gallery contains a wide variety of media to choose from. The clip gallery is also conveniently available from every Microsoft Office program. The Microsoft Clip Gallery contains a wide variety of media to choose from, including clip art, sound files, as well as motion clips. You are sure to find an item for every occasion. The images are broken down into different categories by their grouping (ex. Picture of a lion would be under animal), or the type of object. You can find the clip art gallery by selecting the Insert menu, choosing picture, and clicking Clip Art. Menu des images de la bibliotheque

14 Inserer une image La facon la plus pratique d’inserer des images de la bibliotheque. Inserer une image One main way to insert clip art is to use the Insert Picture function. In order to Insert a picture, click insert on the toolbar and move the mouse down to picture. Then select clip art. There is another way of inserting clip art, but generally, most people find this method to be the easiest. image

15 Inserer un objet Une autre facon d’inserer une image de la bibliothque
An additional way to insert clip art is to use the Insert Object function. In order to insert clip art using this function, you should click insert on the toolbar and move the mouse down to the object. A suggestion, if you are a first time user the Insert Picture function may be better. Although it is convenient to know two different ways to complete the same task, it is far simpler to use the Insert Picture function over the Insert Object. objet

16 Images de la bibliotheque de Microsoft
Selectionez une image After either going to insert object or insert picture, the next step is to select an image which are grouped in categories. For example, if you are looking for a picture of a lion, you would look under animals. If you were looking for a picture of a basketball, you would look under sports. You can select a grouping to browse through. Once you find an item you like select the image and click insert. Ceci est un example

17 Images de la bibliotheque de Microsoft
Changez la taille et la forme de vos images Relocalisez vos images After a picture has been placed into a document, it can be moved and sized just like any other image you would work with in windows. This will be covered in a later section. Grand petit ou

18 Plus de tuyaux Vous souciez vous des dimensions?
Appuyez la touche Ctrl avec Ctrl sans Ctrl If you are concerned about accidentally changing the image’s proportions, hold down the control (ctrl) button. This will prevent the image’s proportions from changing.

19 Quiz: Lecon 2 Il ya une variete limite dans les images de la bibliotheque. vrai faux Question- There is a very limited variety of images within the Clip Art gallery. True/ False

20 Quiz: Lecon 2- reponse Il ya une variete limite dans les images de la bibliotheque. vrai Faux Answer- False, there are thousands of images you can access through the clip art gallery either on-line or on your computer.

21 Lecon 3 Formatter des images
Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 3 Formatter des images Moving on to Image Formatting. In this lesson we will focus on how you edit an image once it is inserted into your document. We will focus on the text wrap feature include in Word.

22 Le format d’une image Ou est il localise?
Regarder sous le Menu du Format The format picture command allows a person to customize the picture to their specifications. Look under the format menu and click on picture. There are many different options to choose from. As a result, there are numerous ways to customize your picture to your liking. Some of these options include contrast adjustment, brightness, cropping and fill or paint tools. La barre d’outils du format Cliquez ici

23 Qu’ y-a-t’ il sur la barre d’outils?
Compresser Inserer une image Contrast Tourner vers la gauche Crop Reajuster l’image Ajuster la couleur eclairage Style des lignes envellope de mots

24 Comment utiliser l’envellope de mots
La barre d’outils de l’enveloppe de mots When you send the image from the clip art gallery to the Word document, a toolbar should appear on the screen. In the toolbar you should click on the dog shaped button. This will open up the Text Wrap Menu. Le menu de l’envelope de mots

25 Le bouton de l’enveloppe de mot
Cliquez sur le chien C’est l’envellope de mots Controllez comment enveloper le mot An alternative is to locate the Text Wrapping option in the draw menu located at the bottom of your document. If you wish to wrap the text around your picture, you would first select the picture you would like to the text to wrap around. Next, you should select the text wrap option. Inside this menu you have is to select how tight to wrap the text. If you choose tight, that would mean that there is very little room between the words and the pictures. Regarder ici

26 Cropping Qu’arrive t’il si l’image est trop charge?
Reponse simple, dechargez la One of the most important feature in the picture menu is the cropping tool. This tool allows you eliminate unwanted parts of the image to make them fit into your documents. The cropping button is two black angles across each other. To use it all you do is simply click on the corner of the image and drag across until you have selected only that which you want. If you mess up, don’t worry, just go to the Edit menu and select undo. remplacez ceci Ceci est le bouton “cropping” Par cela

27 Quiz: Lecon 3 La commande de l’imprimante permet a une personne d’ajuster une image a ses preferences. vrai Faux Question- The print layout command allows a person to customize the picture to their specifications. True/ False

28 Quiz: Lesson 3- Answer La commande de l’imprimante permet a une personne d’ajuster une image a ses preferences. vrai faux Answer- The format picture command is what allows you to change your picture.

29 Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 4 Word Art
In this section, you will learn how to inert decorative text into your document.

30 Microsoft Word Art WORD ART Une application de Microsoft office
Ajouter un texte decoratif WORD ART Microsoft Word Art is an application of Microsoft Office. In addition to adding color and decoration, it gives your document a dramatic and dynamic by simply modifying the style of the text through a selection of special effects.

31 Avec Word Art, vous pouvez:
Tourner un texte Le mettre en trois dimensions Changer le texte affiche colorier,incliner, l’arc & l’ombre 3D Word Art allows you to do a variety of different things to the selected text; Rotate the text in all directions, add three-dimensional effects, display the text vertically down the page, or shade, slant, arch and shadow the text.

32 C’est simple et interressant
1. Choisissez un style 2. Taper votre texte 3. Modifier le avec la police, la taille, la couleur et le style. 4. Cliquez sur OK All you have to basically do is choose a style for the text from the given selections in the Word Art dialog box, and enter the text you wish to modify using font style, size and color and click OK

33 Comment creer Word Art Cliquez inserer Choisissez une image
choisissez WORDART… Once you’re in Microsoft Word, click INSERT on the menu bar, choose PICTURE and then WORDART… from the box that appears as shown above. One this is done, the menu will appear. Cliquez ici

34 Creer Word Art (suite) Choisir un style La bibliotheque de Word Art
The Word Art Gallery box will appear where you choose the style you want. The above picture is an example of the Word Art Gallery Box. Click on the desired square then click OK. You can edit the color of the text after you enter it. La bibliotheque de Word Art

35 Etape par etape Taper ce que vous voulez afficher dans votre Word Art.
Cliquez sur OK et emmener votre texte dans sa derniere location Where “Your Text Here” is highlighted, type the text that you want to display in Word Art and click OK. Then, use the boxes that appear surrounding the text to change the size and location of the Word Art. Cliquez ici apres avoir entre votre texte

36 La barre d’outils de Word Art
Utilisez la barre d’outils pour modifier votre texte La barre d’outils The toolbar can be used to make any further modifications to your text. The following slide will discuss options included on the toolbar. Choisissez la pour changer l’image

37 Les options de la barre d’outils
Inserer plus L’edition Le format Changer la forme tourner Changer l’envellope Ajuster les lettres a la meme taille Les changer verticalement ou horizontalement Les alligner de nouveau Changer l’espace The options included on the toolbar are to insert more word art, edit the text, format the text, give it a different shape, rotate it yourself, change the text wrapping, make the letters the same height, make it vertical or horizontal, align it differently and change the spacing of the characters.

38 Amusez-vous! Mettez le debout
C’est simple et interressant et peut ameliorer l’effet de votre document. Mettez le debout Word Art can be fun and make your document stand out at the same time.

39 Quiz: Lecon 4 Vous pouvez changer la taille de votre boite Word Art en utilisant la souris pour ajuster les cotes en utilisant les petits carres qui sont autour de la boite. vrai faux Question- You can change the size of your Word Art box by using the mouse to drag out the sides out using the tiny squares that surround the box. True/ False

40 Quiz: Lecon 4- reponse Vous pouvez changer la taille de votre boite Word Art en utilisant la souris pour ajuster les cotes en utilisant les petits carres qui sont autour de la boite vrai faux Answer- True, this is in fact how you change the size of your pictures.

41 Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 5 Internet et Word
In this section, you will learn about the Internet and the World Wide Web and how to incorporate it’s resources into your Word documents.

42 The Internet and Word Internet
Les capacites de l’internet de Microsoft Word In this section we will discuss the importance of the internet and Microsoft Word’s internet abilities

43 L’internet: pourquoi est-ce important?
Connecte le monde Consiste a: Un resau d’ordinateurs Des pages web The internet and the world wide web have totally changed how people communicate. It has eliminated distance barriers between people around the world. The Web has created opportunities for people all over the world to exchange information freely. The Internet is made up of many computers all over the world. These computers are linked to help share information.

44 Le World Wide Web appelle WWW ou le Web
Consiste a un ensemble d’ordinateurs qui gardent un type special de documents (pages web ou documents HTML) The World Wide Web is generally referred as “the Web” and allows the entire world to quickly and easily interact with each other. It consists of the computers that store web pages or HTML documents.

45 Les pages web et HTML Le Web est seulement une partie d’internet.
Le surlignage modifie le langage Raisons de sa creation: Un langage web universel The world wide web is only a small part of the Internet. The web and HTML were created to make a uniform system which people could communicate. The Hyper Text Markup Language was originally the only way to create web pages. Later we will discuss how you can use word to create HTML Web pages.

46 Qu’est-ce-que le web? Pages Web Hypertexte
Vous pouvez simplement cliquer sur un lien apres l’autre pour acceder a des pages successives. Web pages contain references to hyperlinks to other web pages, which connect you to computers all over the world. You can simply click on link after link to go from one document to the next instantly. These will be discussed in the next section.

47 Les connections mondiales a l’internet
Telecharger des sources You can download resources from a web page to include in your document. Any picture on the web can be saved and inserted into your Word document through simple step by step process. Telecharger de n’importe quel site

48 Inserer les images dans Word
Trouvez une image sur un site web Rcliquez a la droite de la souris sur l’image Cliquez enregistrer l’image sous To insert a picture from the internet into your Word Document, go to the Internet and find the picture you want to include off of a Web page. Then point to the picture that you chose and right click it to display a short cut menu, then click the “SAVE PICTURE AS” command. Et cliquez ici ensuite Cliquez sur l’image

49 Plus d’insertions d’images
Nommez l’image Cliquez sur enregistrer Baisser la barre d’affichage du Menu Choisissez imprimer. Next you must give your picture a name. Remember this! Do not choose to change the file type. Click save. Go back to your word document. Pull down the VIEW menu and choose PRINT LAYOUT. selectionnez

50 Plus d’insertions d’images
Choisissez inserer Cliquez IMAGE choisissez FICHIER DE Trouvez votre image Cliquez INSERER The next step is to pull down the INSERT menu and click PICTURE then choose FROM FILE. Use the drop-down arrow to choose the folder where you saved your picture. Choose what you named your picture then click INSERT. It’s that simple! Cliquez ici

51 Finaliser votre image Deplacez l’image. Etirez ou retrecissez la.
There are several last things you must do to finalize your picture and make the insertion complete. To move the picture to where you want it in your document, click on it and drag it. To stretch or shrink it, point on the smaller boxes surrounding your picture and stretch it to the desired size. Cliquez pour changer la taille

52 Quiz: Lecon 5 Les faits sont proteges par des droits et il est illegal d’utiliser des statistiques et autres donnees sans les citer. vrai faux Question- Facts are covered by copyright so it is illegal to use statistical and other data without citing it. True/ False.

53 Quiz: Lecon 5- reponse Les faits sont proteges par des droits et il est illegal d’utiliser des statistiques et autres donnees sans les citer vrai faux Answer False- as long as your data is cited you can use it in any Office program.

54 Lecon 6 Hypertexte et Documents du Web
Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 6 Hypertexte et Documents du Web In this section we will discuss Hyperlinks and how you can use Word to create web pages.

55 Qu’est-ce-qu’un hypertexte?
Un hypertexte est une reference a une adresse du Web. Il permet au lien d’etre relier a un autre ordinateur a travers le monde. A hyperlink is a reference to another computers web address. This allows for easy, point and click access to computers connected all over the world. Hyperlinks assist users in easy access to otherwise complex connections.

56 Inserer les hypertextes
Trouvez l’adresse Web que vous voulez relier. Surligner la phrase que vous voulez mettre en hypertexte. In order to insert a hyperlink, you must first locate the address for which you would like to create a link. This can be accomplished by going on to the Internet and searching for sites related to your topic. Next you should highlight the phrase which you would want to link.

57 Inserer les hypertextes (suite)
Ouvrez le Menu Inserer Cliquez sur hypertexte Once you have located the site you would like to link, return to the Word document and highlight the phrase for which you are creating the link. Next, pull down the insert menu and select Hyperlink. Cliquez ici

58 Les hypertextes (suite)
Tapez l’adresse Web Cliquez sur OK Type Address Here After you select hyperlink a menu will pop up. In this menu type or paste the web site you are linking to. After completing this click “OK”. The next slide continues the illustration.

59 Le lien hypertexte Cliquez ici
These are screenshots which show the steps in this process. Depending on your operating system, your view may be slightly different. Cliquez ici

60 Creer des pages Web sur Word
Completez le document et enregistrer le fichier. Apres avoir complete le document, allez sur fichier enregistrer sous. Allez sous la barre de Menu et changez le document Word en page Web. Once you have completed the file, save it as you normally would. Next go to the file menu and select “Save As”. In this menu, go to the pull down menu located on the bottom and click where it says “Word Document” or “.doc”. Choose “Web Page” or “.html”. Then click the save button and you document will now be an HTML version of you word document. See the following slides for screen shots. Creez une page Web

61 Pages Web (suite) Selectionnez Page Web Cliquez enregistrer
Here are a few screen shots explaining the previous slide. Cliquez enregistrer

62 Quiz: Lecon 6 Quelle est la premiere etape pour creer un hypertexte?
Localiser le site que vous voulez relier. Selectionner fichier, enregistrer sous Selectionner inserer hypertexte Question- What is the first step in adding a hyperlink? Answers-Locate the site which you are linking Select insert, hyperlink Select file, save as

63 Quiz: Lecon 6- reponse Quelle est la premiere etape pour creer un hypertexte Localiser le site que vous voulez relier. Selectionner inserer hypertexte Selectionner fichier, enregistrer sous Answer- Locate the site which you are linking, you must before anything go on the web an locate the site. Without the URL you can’t create a hyperlink.

64 Lecon 7 La barre d’outils de dessin
Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 7 La barre d’outils de dessin You may wonder if you can draw in Microsoft Word. In this section we will discuss the Drawing Toolbar, the device which allows for simple drawings.

65 Peut on dessiner sur Microsoft Word?
Reponse simple Oui! Draw is made easy with the Drawing Toolbar. You can draw simple shapes to help take your document from satisfactory to terrific. The best part is you don’t even need to be able to draw.

66 Les Types de dessins Il ya plusieurs facons de dessins que vous pouvez creer. Certains incluent des lignes, des rectangles et d’autre formes. Les bannieres sont egalement d’autre choix. In word, there are several different types of drawings. Some of them include, lines, different shapes, callouts and banners. There are numerous creative possibilities in the drawing menu.

67 La barre d’outils de dessins
Activez la barre d’outils de dessin Allezsur le menu affichage, selectionnez barre d’outils, selectionez dessiner. To activate the drawing menu you must select the “View” menu, select “Toolbars”, and choose “Drawing”. A menu will pop up on the bottom of the document. Select this Menu

68 Le menu du dessin (suite)
Le menu de dessin est ci-dessous Selectionnez ce que vous desorez dessiner dans ce menu. The drawing menu, on the bottom of your screen will have the various option from which you can choose. The basic choices are “Draw”, “Auto Shapes” and various line creation tools. Le menu de dessin

69 Creer un trait, Callout ou une baniere.
Cliquez le trait sur le callout menu Cliquez sur le document ou le trait doit commencer From the drawing menu, click on the line. Next, click on your document where you would like the line to begin. Hold the mouse button down until you reach the location where you would like the line to end. Le debut La fin Cliquez sur le trait

70 Creer des formes automatiques et des bannieres (suite)
Cliquez le bouton de formes automatiques Position du pointeur Remplicez le texte To create a callout, you must first click the callout button from the drawing menu. After the button is selected, click on your document where you would like you callout or banner to be located. After creating the banner, type your text into the textbox inside the banner. Le bouton de formes automatiques

71 Quiz: Lecon 7 Quelle touche devez vous appuyer pour creer un carre ou un cercle sous le bouton des formes automatiques? Caps Lock Shift F2 Question- What key must you hold to create a square or circle under the auto shapes button? Answers- Caps Lock Shift F2

72 Quiz: Lecon 7- reponse Quelle touche devez vous appuyer pour creer un carre ou un cercle sous le bouton des formes automatiques? Caps Lock Shift F2 Answer- Shift, the shift key allows you to create perfect circles and squares.

73 Lecon 8 Notes en bas de pages et Notes en fin de pages
Word Chapitre 3 Lecon 8 Notes en bas de pages et Notes en fin de pages We shall now begin our discussion of footnotes and endnotes, which is a very beneficiary tool whenever you find it necessary to provide references to sources that you found elsewhere.

74 Qu’est-ce-qu’une note en bas de page?
Fournit des informations supplementaires Apparait en bas de la page A footnote allows you to provide additional information about an item, such as its source. A footnote also always appears at the bottom of the page, where the reference to the source of information occurs. A footnote is critical to word processing because it protects you from copyright infringement. A copyright provides legal protection for a written or artistic work, giving the author exclusive rights to its use and reproduction. However, copyright does not mean that you cannot quote in your own terms. It simply indicates the consideration of fair use as long as you are using the work for educational, nonprofit purposes, or for the purpose of critical review or commentary.

75 Comment inserer une note en bas de page?
Cliquez sur inserer note en bas de page Une note est inseree en bas de page d’un document. attribue le numero suivant. The Insert Footnote Command inserts a note into a document, and automatically assigns the next sequential number to that note. This command can be found in the Insert menu, as we will discuss in the following slide. Click Here

76 Comment creer une note? Placez le point d’insertion
Choisissez note en bas de page ou note en fin de page. To create a note in your document, you must position the insertion point wherever you want the reference, and place your cursor at that exact location. Next, you must pull down the Insert menu from the toolbar located on top, and then click on Footnote to display the dialog box as witnessed from the slide. Next, you simply choose either the Footnote or Endnote option button to make your reference. A superscript reference is inserted into the document, and you will be positioned at the bottom of the page for a footnote or at the end of the document for an endnote, where you then enter the text of the note. Note en bas de page Le menu

77 La commande des options
Modifie la frmation de la note en bas de page Peut changer le format des numeros Peut convertir les notes en bas de page en notes en fin de page et vice versa. The Options command button in the Footnote and Endnote dialog box enables you to modify the formatting of either type of note as shown in the figure on the slide. You can change the numbering format, such as to Roman Numerals. You also have the ability to start numbering from a number other than one if you so desire. You can also convert the footnotes to endnotes or endnotes back to footnotes if you find it necessary to make a referencing change from your original document. This is done very easily directly from the Options command button. La barre d’outils des options

78 Mouvements des notes Deplace ou efface?
Deplace ou efface la marque des references The Insert Footnote command adjusts for last-minute changes, either in your writing or in your professor’s requirements. It will, for example, renumber all existing notes to accommodate the addition or deletion of a footnote or endnote. Existing notes are moved (or deleted) within a document by moving (deleting) the reference mark rather than the text of the footnote. Deplacez la dans toutes les directions

79 Quiz: Lecon 8 Le point d’insertion de note en bas de page a la capacite d’evaluer toutes les notes existantes pour accomoder l’addition ou la suppression des notes en bas de page ou des notes en fin de page. vrai Faux Question- The Insert Footnote Command has the ability to renumber all existing notes to accommodate the addition or deletion of a footnote or endnote. True/False

80 Quiz: Lecon 8- reponse Le point d’insertion de note en bas de page a la capacite d’evaluer toutes les notes existantes pour accomoder l’addition ou la suppression des notes en bas de page ou des notes en fin de page. vrai faux Answer- True, you can renumber all notes with this command.

81 Lecon 9 Wizards et Templates
Word Chapter 3 Lecon 9 Wizards et Templates Now we shall proceed to our final objective in the Microsoft Word Chapter 3 section, which explains what Wizards and Templates are and when their applications come in hand. Thus far, we have created some interesting documents throughout the text, but in every instance we have formatted the document entirely on our own. However, through the use of wizards and templates, we can get a ‘head-start’ on the entire process by avoiding the cumbersome and slow procedure of formatting our documents, rather than focusing on the actual content that is to become the focal point of our entire presentation.

82 Templates Qu’est-ce qu’un Template? Un document partiellement complet.
Inclut : De simples repertoires ou des CV complexes. First, we shall discuss the immediate and simple use of templates. A template is a partially completed document that contains formatting, text, and/or graphics. It is an extremely user-friendly device that may be as simple in format as a memo or as complex as the representation of a resume or newsletter. Microsoft Word provides a wide array of templates for common documents including a resume, agenda, and fax cover sheet. A template is simply a pre-designed indication of how you would like to strategically organize the various portions of your document in a systematic, clear, and precise manner.

83 Modification d’un texte
La Modification est aussi facile qu’ecrire votre nom!!! You simply open the template, then modify the existing text as necessary, while retaining the formatting of the original template. Vous avez les outils pour changer votre document

84 Wizards Qu’est-ce-qu’un Wizard et que peut il faire pour vous?
A wizard makes the process even easier by asking a series of questions, then creating a customized document based on your answers. A wizard or template creates the initial document for you. It is then up to you to complete the document by entering the appropriate information. Le Menu du Wizard

85 L’application des wizards
Creer un CV avec : Contemporain Elegant Ou format professionel Peut egalement creer des: Faxes, lettres, repertoires, rapports, plaintes juridiques, publications, etc. Wizards and templates can be used in conjunction with the development of a resume. You have the ability to choose from one of three existing templates. This includes contemporary, elegant and professional to which you then add your personal information. Alternatively, you can select the Resume Wizard to create a customized resume as was done in the figure above. After the Resume Wizard is selected, it prompts you for the information it needs to create a basic resume. You specify the style, enter the requested information, and choose the necessary headings that would provoke the qualifications that the employer would need to know about you prior to beginning the hiring process. The wizard will continue to ask additional questions, after which it will display the partially completed resume based on your preceding responses. You then complete the resume by entering the specifics of your employment and additional information. Un resume Wizard

86 Documentation Les Wizards sont utilises pour des calendriers, des agendas, des couvertures de faxs et des repertoires. As you edit the document, you can copy and paste information within the resume, just as you would with a regular document. It takes a little practice, but the end result will be a professionally formatted resume in a minimum of time. Microsoft Word also contains templates and wizards for a variety of other documents. You can infer this by looking carefully at the tabs within the dialog box, and it will help you create letters, faxes, memos, reports, legal pleadings, publications, and even Web Pages. Un repertoire Wizard

87 Quiz: Lecon 9 Une fois que vous avez selectionne un template , la presentation est terminee et vous n’avez pas besoin d’ajouter plus d’informations. vrai faux Question- Once you have selected a desired template, the presentation is complete, and there is no need for you to add anymore information. True/ False

88 Quiz: Lecon 9- reponse Une fois que vous avez selectionne un template , la presentation est terminee et vous n’avez pas besoin d’ajouter plus d’informations. vrai faux Answer- False, the template are created for you to edit the information inside them.

89 Vous avez fini Felicitation! Vous avez termine le chapitre 3 deMicrosoft Word. Cliqez ici pour en savoir plus de ce que vous avez appris. Les resources du Web

90 Realise par: Whitney Lubitz Lia Nichols Mike Anthony Shamin Mehta
Sources: Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 Professional by Grauer/ Barber Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

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