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7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-1 The futur simple Samuel ne rédigera plus ses devoirs sur une vieille machine à écrire.

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1 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-1 The futur simple Samuel ne rédigera plus ses devoirs sur une vieille machine à écrire.

2 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-2 You have learned to use aller + [infinitive] to say that something is going to happen in the immediate future (the futur proche). To talk about something that will happen further ahead in time, use the futur simple. The futur simple Futur procheFuture simple Je vais effacer la dernière phrase avant de sauvegarder mon essai. I’m going to erase the last sentence before saving my essay. Nous effacerons les photos de l’appareil après les avoir imprimées. We will erase the pictures on the camera after printing them.

3 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-3 Form the simple future of regular -er and -ir verbs by adding these endings to the infinitive. For regular -re verbs, take the -e off the infinitive before adding the endings. parlerréussirattendre je/j’ tu il/elle nous vous ils/elles parlerai parleras parlera parlerons parlerez parleront réussirai réussiras réussira réussirons réussirez réussiront attendrai attendras attendra attendrons attendrez attendront The futur simple

4 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-4 Spelling-change -er verbs undergo the same change in the future tense as they do in the present. je me promène j’emploie j’essaie or j’essaye j’appelle je projette je me promènerai j’emploierai j’essaierai or j’essayerai j’appellerai je projetterai The futur simple

5 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-5 Verbs with an é before the infinitive ending, such as espérer, préférer, and répéter, do not undergo a spelling change in the future tense. Nous suggérerons à Fatih qu’il reste chez nous. We will suggest to Fatih that he stay with us. The futur simple

6 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-6 Many common verbs have an irregular future stem. Add the future endings to these stems. infinitivestemfutureinfinitivestemfuture aller avoir courir devoir envoyer être faire falloir mourir ir- aur- courr- devr- enverr- ser- fer- faudr- mourr- j’irai j’aurai je courrai je devrai j’enverrai je serai je ferai il faudra je mourrai pleuvoir pouvoir recevoir savoir tenir valoir venir voir vouloir pleuvr- pourr- recevr- saur- tiendr- vaudr- viendr- verr- voudr il pleuvra je pourrai je recevrai je saurai je tiendrai il vaudra je viendrai je verrai je voudrai The futur simple

7 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-7 ATTENTION! Apercevoir has a future stem like that of recevoir. Similarly, devenir and revenir are like venir, and maintenir and retenir are like tenir. J’apercevrai. Vous reviendrez. Ils maintiendront. The futur simple

8 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-8 Verbs in the simple future are usually translated with will or shall in English. Nous aurons un lecteur de DVD dans notre chambre. We will have a DVD player in our room. Un jour, on pourra se promener sur la planète Mars. One day, we will be able to walk on Mars. The futur simple

9 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-9 ATTENTION! In spoken French, the present tense is used sometimes to express future actions. Nous nous retrouvons au cybercafé. We’re meeting at the cybercafé. Use the present tense of devoir + [infinitive] to express an action that you suppose will happen. Benoît doit arriver dans les prochains jours. Benoît must be arriving in the next few days. The futur simple

10 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-10 Use the future tense instead of the imperative to make a command sound more forceful. Tu viendras au restaurant avec nous ce soir. You will come to the restaurant with us tonight. Vous ferez passer le message à votre professeur. You’ll pass along the message to your teacher. The futur simple

11 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-11 After dès que (as soon as) or quand put the verb in the future tense if the action takes place in the future. The verb in the main clause should be in the future or the imperative. FUTURE MAIN CLAUSE: FUTURE OR IMPERATIVE Dès quevous aurez un brevet, vous pourrez vendre votre invention. Quandtu seras dans l’ovni,pose des questions aux extraterrestres! The futur simple

12 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-12 The same kind of structure can be used with the conjunctions aussitôt que (as soon as), lorsque (when), and tant que (as long as). Note that in English, the verb following them is most often in the present tense. Nous vous recevrons aussitôt que vous arriverez au laboratoire. We will welcome you as soon as you arrive at the laboratory. Tant qu’ils seront curieux, les astronomes étudieront l’origine de l’univers. As long as they’re curious, astronomers will study the universe’s origin. The futur simple

13 7.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.2-13 To talk about events that might occur in the future, use a si... (if...) construction. Use the present tense in the si clause and the futur proche, futur simple, or imperative in the main clause. Remember that si and il contract to become s’il. S’il y a un film intéressant à la télé ce soir, dis-le-moi. If there’s an interesting movie on TV tonight, tell me. Si Aïcha achète un appareil numérique, elle me donnera son appareil traditionnel. If Aïcha buys a digital camera, she’ll give me her traditional camera. The futur simple

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