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Les sports Objectifs: Level 2/3 - To be able to give your opinion about some sports in French. Level 3+ - to link time/routine and sport using connectives.

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Présentation au sujet: "Les sports Objectifs: Level 2/3 - To be able to give your opinion about some sports in French. Level 3+ - to link time/routine and sport using connectives."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Les sports Objectifs: Level 2/3 - To be able to give your opinion about some sports in French. Level 3+ - to link time/routine and sport using connectives in sentences. LITERACY – using to play and to do (what do we say in English?) Starter: Make a list with your partner of sports that you already know, or can guess, in French. One to start you off… 1. Le rugby ! (Think about how it might be pronounced!)





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7 L’athlétisme L’équitation Le basket-ball Le cyclisme Le badminton Le football Le golf Le judo Le handball Le hockey Le ping-pong Le roller Le rugby Le skate Le snooker Le tennis Le volley-ball Le VTT AthleticsBadmintonBasketballCyclingHorse-riding FootballGolfGymnasticsHandballHockey JudoSwimmingTable tennisRoller skatingRugby SnookerSkate- boarding TennisVolleyballMountain biking La gymnastique La natation

8 J’aimeJ’adore Je n’aime pasJe déteste

9 Quels sports aimes-tu? … Quels sports détestes-tu? J’aime le rubgy mais je déteste le badminton.

10 J’aime Je n’aime pas Je déteste J’adore le hockey l’athléthisme le foot le golf le badminton le cyclisme le volley-ball le roller le rugby le skate le tennis parce que c’est extraordinaire génial impressionant intéressant magnifique super passionnant affreux agréable barbant choquant chouette dangereux ennuyeux Je préfère  aussietmais


12 Moi, j’aime skier…!

13 Saying you ‘play’, ‘do’ or ‘go’ a sport In English we play football or go skating, swimming, bike-riding or do judo or karate. In French we say TO PLAY (JOUER) or TO DO (FAIRE) a sport: Jouer au rugby, Jouer au tennis, Jouer au badminton. Faire de la natation, Faire du Judo, Faire de l’athlétisme Jouer with all sports that use a ball (or shuttlecock!) Faire with everything else!

14 J’aime faire de la natation Je fais de la natation c’est OK Je déteste jouer au hockey parce que c’est bof Je joue au hockey c’est bof!

15 Writing Using the text to help and a dictionary give your opinion about some sports, try to give a reason why using parce que c’est and USE CONNECTIVES!!. Use these words to help you: parce quecarc’estj’aimeje n’aime pas je déteste j’adore because it isI likeI don’t like I hateI love Level 4 You can write paragraphs of about three or four simple sentences mostly using language you have learnt by heart. You can alter the meaning of a sentence by changing or adding new words using the dictionary. You can check spelling by using a dictionary. Level 3 You can write two to three sentences with some help. You can write about your likes and dislikes. You can write short sentences from memory.

16 Exemple… Je fais beaucoup de sport. J’aime le foot, le basket-ball et le hockey parce que c’est amusant! Je n’aime pas faire de la natation parce que c’est nul! Je déteste le rugby parce que c’est dangereux. Quels sports aimes-tu? Mon sport préféré c’est le foot. J’adore Hull City! Allez les tigres!

17 Les sports Objectifs: Level 2/3 - To be able to give your opinion about some sports in French. Level 3+ - to link time/routine and sport using connectives in sentences. LITERACY – using to play and to do (what do we say in English?)

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