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Laurent Schlosser Directeur Secteur Communication & Média

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1 Laurent Schlosser Directeur Secteur Communication & Média
27 Janvier 2009

2 Introduction Hosting Days France
3/31/2017 9:58 PM Introduction Hosting Days France Maziar Zolghadr Directeur Hosting Microsoft France Speaker’s Guide: This presentation is scheduled for 15 minutes. However, since it is the first session of the day, it is likely that you will not get started on time. Plan on having about 15 minutes to make the presentation and set the tone for the day. Before giving this presentation, do the following: Add your name and title to the first slide. Add the names and titles of the presenters and other team members to slide 5. Determine details about the building you are in and what the any relevant policies are for slide 6. Go through each slide and read the speaker’s notes. View the presentation in Slide View mode and practice what you will say. Although the presentation is scheduled to last for 20 minutes, plan for having about minutes to go through this introductory session. NOTE: If the MS Hosting Day is not done in local langage, it is highly recommended to localize this slide deck. © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

3 Bienvenue Objectifs de la journée Evolution du marché Hébergement/SAAS
3/31/2017 9:58 PM Bienvenue Objectifs de la journée Evolution du marché Hébergement/SAAS Aperçu des offres et solutions de Microsoft Partenariat avec Microsoft Agenda de la journée Good Morning to everyone. We are glad you could join us today. In this first session we will be introducing ourselves, talking about goals for this Hosting Day, and setting the stage for what will follow in what we expect to be an interesting and productive day for you all. © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

4 Le marché des services hébergés
Source: Tier1 Research Reports, 2008 Source: IDC, 2008 Croissance annuelle SaaS WW = 32% (IDC) Le marché en France devrait croître au rythme moyen annuel de 48% sur la période (Markess) 25% du nouveau business logiciel sera fourni sous forme de service d’ici 2011 (Gartner) Les ventes SaaS de Microsoft en 2011 = $2.4Mds (Infosys Consulting) Le marché pourra connaitre une croissance encore plus forte avec la presssion que nos clients subissent sur leur dépenses d’investissement

5 Campagne « Agir » à destination des clients

6 + Software Services Le meilleur des 2 mondes Utilisateur au centre
Libre choix du type de déploiement + Services Prolongation des outils et de la plateforme au “nuage” Expérience utilisateur homogène quelque soit le périphérique utilisé Niveau de service garanti Rather than debate whether to deploy software on premises or hosted, it is more appropriate, realistic, effective and better serves customers’ and partners’ needs to consider the marriage of the best of software with the best of services. This combination enables the following 5, key attributes and avoids what Steve Ballmer has rather colorfully called “The Tyranny of the ‘OR””. Key attributes of apps in this era Consistent, seamless experiences across multiple PCs and devices Choice of on-premise, partner-hosted or Microsoft-hosted delivery Federation between enterprises and cloud services Composition of multiple applications and services Enablement of multiple business models This approach is called software-plus-services and is an industry-wide trend…

7 Partenaires + Microsoft
Vision Software + Services 100% sur site Logiciel sur Site Approche multiple Pour conclure sur cette partie Offre, au-delà des 3 piliers de notre offre logicielle c’est aussi notre vision S+S qui nous donne un avantage concurrentiel : le pouvoir du choix. Le client a le choix. Il a désormais accès à ses données de partout, tout le temps, à partir de n’importe quel terminal. Il peut choisir le mode d’hébergement adapté à sa situation : dans son entreprise, chez son partenaire, ou chez Microsoft. Le SaaS est devenu incontournable (attention le Saas n’est que la partie Services de S+S, l’avantage de Microsoft c’est justement de proposer les 2 S : S+S) :  Croissance annuelle monde du SaaS sur = 32% (IDC)  25% du nouveau business logiciel sera fourni sous forme de service d’ici 2011 (Gartner)  Les ventes SaaS de Microsoft en 2011 = 2,4 Mds $ (Infosys Consulting) Le marché des solutions collaboratives et de communication d'entreprise en mode SaaS, estimé par Markess à 150 millions d'euros en France en 2008, devrait croître au rythme moyen annuel de 48% sur la période Il devrait ainsi atteindre 330 millions d'euros en 2010 (Markess International 2008). Microsoft a donc choisi de proposer une offre professionnelle hébergée. Mais cela ne signifie pas que nous changeons de business modèle ! Nos partenaires hosters restent clés (ou en association avec ceux qui ont déjà développé qq chose, notamment opérateurs : Orange, SFR, Bouygues) + avec notre offre BPOS on ne couvre qu’une partie (business productivity), mais on a aussi les partenaires qui font la partie appli métier, (ex ADP-GSI = solution de paye, plusieurs ERP hébergés etc), VoiP (en plus de messagerie), serveurs  message rassurant pour les hébergeurs, et message d’opportunité pour tous. Donner la différence entre SaaS et S+S : dans le quotidien on a besoin des 2 (client riche et client léger). S+S c’est le meilleur des 2 mondes réunis. 100% hébergé Services Hébergés Partenaires + Microsoft

8 Définir votre mix produit/service en fonction de votre stratégie d’entreprise
Revendre les Microsoft Online Services COMMUNIQUER . COLLABORER . INFRASTRUCTURE IT. EXPERIENCE WEB 2.0 Client Héberger & Fournir Proposer les solutions Marque blanche

9 Managed Services Hoster
Portefeuille actuel des solutions Microsoft pour nos Services Providers Héberger Hébergement d’application SAAS Editeurs de logiciels ou appli métiers Infrastructure Windows Server Hébergement Mutualisé ou Dédié Messagerie & Collaboration Communications unifiées CRM 4.0 Opportunité de marge supplémentaire Technologies pour les hébergeurs Best practices OCS Windows Mobile SharePoint Exchange 2007 SP1 Nouveaux services Marque blanche WS 08 Hyper V SQL 08 S+S Incubation Centers GSP S+S Auto-évaluation Intégration avec Exchange WS08 Poste de travail ou Infrastructure « Managé » Web Hoster Unmanaged shared and dedicated offerings WS08, SQL08, Hyper-V Resell MSOnline Exchange , Sharepoint, OCS, Live Meeting Application Hoster Targeted and Custom solutions HMC 4.5, MSCRM 4.0 Private Label Customizable,Cross platform, VAR and SA as the channel Managed Services Hoster Custom ISV applications LOB Applications Office 2007 System Center – WS 08

10 Comment Microsoft peut vous accompagner
Solutions et technologies Programme de partenariat Microsoft (MSPP) Spécialisation « Hosting Solutions » Mettre en avant vos solutions : Modèle de licence SPLA et les SPLA Reseller (ETC, HP, Insight) Workshop Architecture technique ou Business avec nos partenaires (Mural, YouSaas, b2bAlive, etc.) Outils Marketing & vente Messaging Sales Kit Web Hosting Sales Kit Hosting Deployment Accelerator

11 Agenda ce matin Matin Sessions plénières 9h-9h30
Tendances et Opportunités du Hosting. Emergence du marché Software+Services, les bénéfices pour les Services Providers: Maziar Zolghadr 9h30-10h15 Comment augmenter vos ventes aux clients PME avec Hosting Messaging and Collaboration (HMC): Eric Vallet/Ronan le Guen 10h15-10h45 Les Communications Unifiées pour les hébergeurs: Gwénael Fourré 10h45-11h Pause 11h-11h45 Windows Server 2008 et Virtualisation: Laurent Bonnet 11h45-12h30 Offre Microsoft Business Productivity Online Services (BPOS): Michael Woolcock 12h30-14h Déjeuner/Stands

12 Agenda après-midi Stand Partenaires : Planet Technologies Après-Midi
Session 1 Session 2 Amphi Everest Salle Cordillère 14h Offre Licensing Hosting (SPLA): Raja Hessi Offre Hosted Dynamics CRM: Sophie Jacquet/Mathieu Thereze 15h Connaitre l'impact du programme Partenaires MSPP pour la Compétence Hosting: Cendrine Zuber Web Hosting: Laurent Bonnet 15H45-16h15 Pause 16h15-17h Comment vendre les solutions de communications & de productivité: WW Best practices Hosting: Marcel Van der Heijden Editeurs de Logiciels : Tendances et Retours d’expériences sur le Software + Services: Nicolas Savidès 17h Tirage au sort Stand Partenaires : Planet Technologies

13 L’événement de référence des professionnels de l’informatique des développeurs et décideurs techniques 10 au 12 février Palais des Congrès- Paris

14 Vos commentaires sont importants pour nous…
Merci de bien vouloir remplir le formulaire d’évaluation vous pouvez gagner un joli Cadre photo wifi This slide is a template, you have to customize it according to what you are doing in your event, in any case, it is good to give an incentive so that attendees complete the feedback form. A la fin de la journée!

15 Très bonne journée

16 © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3/31/2017 9:58 PM © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

17 Logistiques Sessions plénière Pauses Déjeuner Sessions après-midi
3/31/2017 9:58 PM Logistiques Sessions plénière Pauses Déjeuner Sessions après-midi Livrables, copie des présentations, formulaire d’évaluation et le cadeau à gagner Here are some details about this this building and how we will proceed today: Location of Telephones and Restrooms – Inform participants of the locations of the nearest phones (if applicable) and bathroom facilities Breaks – Inform the participants of break times and where they can go for breaks, coffee, etc. Lunch – Where and when lunch will occur. Is it hosted, etc. Tracks (if applicable) – Where it is happening Cell phones and laptops – Remind participants to put their phones on vibrate, or off, and laptops closed Smoking – Inform the participants of smoking policies in the building, including areas where smoking is or is not allowed Collaterals – what is going to be delivered to the attendees Slide decks – when and how attendees will get access to the slides Evaluation form – at the end of the day, attendees will have to complete the evaluation form, then they will receive a gift. A draw will be done at the end of the day. The winner has to be present to receive the giveaway. © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

18 Objectifs de la journée
3/31/2017 9:58 PM Objectifs de la journée Aujourd’hui, nous allons voir ensemble : Les solutions Hosting de Microsoft à la fois d’un point de vue business que technique Comment ces solutions peuvent augmenter vos opportunités de business Le programme de licensing SPLA (Services Provider License Agreement) Le partenariat avec Microsoft To be customized according to the agenda: At the end of the day, the our goal is for you to have a good understanding of Microsoft’s Hosting Solution from a business and technical standpoint. You will learn about the role that the different Microsoft products play and how the solution enables them to be used in a hosting environment. You will also hear about what it means to engage with Microsoft, about the Service Provider’s License Agreement and the Partner Program. And finally, you will hear from some of our partners how they have added value to the solution (if relevant). Our goals for the day are simple. If you’re not currently hosting on Windows, or if you don’t have a SaaS offer, we want to convince you why you should launch a SaaS offer. If you have an existing Windows offer, we want you to leave here with the information you need to market it more aggressively. If, at the end of the day, we haven’t met those goals and you don't feel that way – please tell us why and what we can do to change that. Of course goal of the day is also to network with actors of the Hosting ecosystem. © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

19 Microsoft Partner Program : Domaine de compétence « Hosting Solutions »
Etablir une reconnaissance marché de votre expertise Renforcer votre relation client Croître vos opportunités business Gagner en visibilité avec Microsoft Se différencier sur le marché Utiliser des ressources pour augmenter votre efficacité sur votre métier de Hosteur Q2 : Peux-tu nous dire en quoi consistera ce programme « nouvelle génération » ? R. Jeancd : Tout d’abord, je tiens à confirmer que notre vision du partenariat reste inchangée. Il y a de nombreux aspects dans ce nouveau programme et nous ne pouvons pas rentrer ici dans le détail de tous les enrichissements qui seront apportés au cours des 3 années à venir, mais l’important à retenir c’est que la compétence est replacée au centre du programme, pour reconnaitre l’expertise de nos partenaires et la faire reconnaitre sur le marché. On va donc avoir une nouvelle ombrelle des compétences alignée aux problématiques business (comme les solutions hébergées, la mobilité, les solutions de recherche sur les serveurs d’entreprise par exemple…) Par ailleurs nous ne travaillons pas que pour mettre en avant l’expertise de nos partenaires en tant que sociétés, mais nous travaillons également à mettre en avant l’expertise de chaque individu certifié sur nos technologies, pour aider nos partenaires à recruter des ressources compétentes, par exemple à travers des forums emploi en région. Spécialisation Souligne l’expertise Intuitif pour le client Plus de visibilité

20 Azure™ Services Platform
About Azure™ An internet-scale cloud services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers, which provides an operating system and a set of developer services that can be used individually or together. Azure™ Services Platform Microsoft SharePoint Services Microsoft Dynamics CRM Services Windows® Azure™ for service hosting, scalable storage, and automated service management Microsoft SQL Services for infrastructure data storage and reporting Microsoft .NET Services for access control, workflow and messaging Live Services for handling user data and application resources that can connect a developer’s application to hundreds of millions of users and devices Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SharePoint Services that extend the capabilities of these platforms for business content, collaboration and rapid Speaking Points: We are building a comprehensive services platform to help organizations take advantage of cloud computing and services. Cohesive and consistent platform – just as we did with .NET Microsoft’s Services Platform is a comprehensive set of approachable services that support the development and execution of scalable applications. Microsoft’s Services Platform consists of three distinct layers of services. [Foundation Services] At the base level, we will provide a set of Foundation Services including the data center and infrastructure as well as compute, basic storage, and management services. We’ll spend more time focusing on this layer in this session. [Building Block Services] The middle layer consists of building block services. You can think of building block services as programmable components that typically expose web services that can be consumed from your own applications. Building Block Services do not provide a user interface. Some of the building block services are designed more for business application scenarios and others are designed more for personal or consumer-centric scenarios. However, these services collectively will work together. Project Zurich is a codename for the Building block services for business scenarios. Live Platform Services is a codename for the building block services for personal/consumer-centric scenarios. Some of the building block services that we will expose include: Relational Database Services – Enable developers to store and query data from a database-like service. Workflow – Which will provide a runtime execution environment for declarative workflows that model business logic and compose multiple web services. And finally, an Identity Service that provides the ability to manage access control rules for other applications. Several of you have likely heard of or used some early preview versions of a few of these services, such as SQL Server Data Services or the Internet Service Bus as part of BizTalk Services. We will be unifying some of the early preview services you have seen into this cohesive and consistent platform. [Finished Services] The final, top layer consists of Finished services. Finished services are solutions and services that users would touch. They typically provide specialized or domain-specific functionality. For example, you could think of CRM Online as a Finished Service. CRM Online is a domain-specific application to manage customers and opportunities. However, it also exposes extensibility points including the ability to define custom data schemas, custom data forms, and workflows. CRM online also exposes web services that can be invoked by other applications to integrate with CRM Online. Other examples of finished services include SharePoint Online and Office Live. Layered Approach You could think of this layered approach as being similar to the layered programming models that exist on Windows today. On Windows today you have the Win32 layer, you have managed code, and then you have higher-level applications such as Microsoft Office that expose their own programming models. It’s important to understand that you can build applications that target any of these layers in the Services Platform. [Tools] Finally, the services platform is an extension of the .NET Programming Model For developers this means that you will be able to apply existing skills with .NET and Visual Studio

21 Choix pour les partenaires
Héberger HMC Contrôle de la roadmap / SLA / Prix Offre personnalisable Datacenter local Maîtrise de la relation et expérience client Paiement client mensuel Considérations Coût d’invest/Coût opérat. Time To Market Intégration avec d’autres Apps Différentiation Services à valeur ajoutée Revente BPO / Marque blanche Réduction du Time To Market Pas d’investissement Versions toujours à jour Resell BPO Pros Reduced time to market No capital expense Always version current Market awareness Cons: Pre-defined feature sets Pre-define user experience Pre-defined SLAs Resides in MS centers Host HMC Control service roadmap and price Own the SLA Resides in your datacenter Own the User experience Your message Deployment time Capital outlay Responsible for upgrades

22 Les solutions en fonction des besoins client
Grand Compte BPOS Dedicated BPOS Standard Communications et Collaboration Disponibilité et sécurité Administration simplifiée Hébergé par un Partner Exchange | SharePoint | CRM Forte Personalisatoin Proximité géographique Aspects légaux Besoins temporaires SLA personnalisé Faible personalisation Flexibilité contractuelle Adaptation aux besoin– Blackberry | Stockage Développement personnalisé Story If you want a custom make a suit, plan to spend big bucks or spend a couple days in Singapore… Obtaining a custom technology solution isn’t as nearly expensive nor geographically bound. Where ever you’re at, a tailored Exchange/SharePoint or CRM solution is readily available. Customers have a myriad of needs, some of which simply can’t be delivered via BPOS. Some of the obvious ones include: contract flexibility geographic location requirement government regulations In Germany, for example, enterprise organizations are required to have a local copy of their data…that is in-country While other customers wish to tailor their internal offerings to the various roles in their organization…providing basic OWA mailboxes to Task workers, while IW staff receive Outlook and full MAPI support and traveling personnel receiving push- to mobile devices. This ability to tailor the solution to the specific requirements of customers is a winning strength of Partner Hosted Exchange, SharePoint and CRM. …and then with the ever-changing corporate environment, divisions relocating or closing, mergers and down-sizing, customers seek flexible solutions that align their needs with the cost of services….they will need the ability to alter their consumption, both up and down. Use this decision guide to determine whether BPOS or Partner Hosted is the better fit. TPE

23 Microsoft’s Commitment to the Hosting Market
3/31/2017 9:58 PM Microsoft’s Commitment to the Hosting Market Hosting Solutions Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (HMC) Microsoft Solution for Hosted CRM Solution extensions via growing ecosystem of system integrators and ISVs Business and Marketing Support Dedicated technical and sales resources in the countries Microsoft Hosting Community Program Microsoft Partner Program – Hosting Competency Business Development Session (BDS) Services Provider Licensing Agreement (SPLA) Technical Enablement ASP.NET Hosting Windows Hosting Forums Architectural Design Session (ADS) / Proof of Concept (PoC) Investment in Products Microsoftt Silverlight Microsoft Office Communications Server Windows Server 2008 and management products Microsoft ASP.NET… To lay the groundwork for the day, I’d like to tell you about Microsoft’s commitment to this market. Microsoft is investing in this market and is committed to hosting and delivering software as a service. Microsoft is enabling Web hosters around the world lower their TCO and grow their Windows-based business by building products optimized for hosting scenarios and providing technical and business assistance. Here’s what this commitment looks like even more specifically. Hosting Solutions Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration: Meets the growing customer demand for rich services and advanced communication tools with the Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration Growing ecosystem of systems integrators and ISVs: Extending the solution through partner offers. Includes independent software vendors (ISVs) that build Windows control panel offers such as Ensim and Parallels, vendors and community groups that build applications such as Telligent (Community Server) and Perpetual Motion (DotNetNuke), and systems integrators that help integrate and deploy such as eQuest and (in addition to a regional set of systems integrators such as InfoSupport and Avanade in the Netherlands, Tireno in Germany, and Trinity Expert Systems in the United Kingdom). Business and Marketing Support The Microsoft Hosting Community Program: Created to provide hosting service providers with the knowledge and resources necessary to lower operational costs while increasing revenue through the deployment of enhanced managed services, no matter the size of the hosting operation. Microsoft Partner Program-Hosting Competency: The Microsoft Partner Program is a single integrated program that brings together all previous partner offers into an integrated framework focused on your customers and your business. Now, there is a new competency for hosting. Business Developpement Session (BDS) Services Provider Licensing Agreement (SPLA): Subscription licensing model. Technical Enablement Microsoft has developed not only the solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration, we have developed the following solutions to enable the hosting market to succeed: ASP.NET Hosting: Generating thousands of leads for hosting partners per month. Hoster Directory is promoted widely in web casts, conferences and events Windows Hosting Forums: Forum-style technical assistance from Windows hosting experts at Windows Technical Hosting Community. Architectural Design Session (ADS) and Proof of Concepts (PoC): ADSs and PoCs are proven, efficient services that provide your organizations a design that meets your business needs, develops issues to mitigate, and deploys a solution in a controlled environment to prove the solution is right for your organization. Investments in Products ( to update accordingly) © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. * Source – Hosted Market, 2005 – 2009, The Radicati Group

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