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Publié parFiacre Serra Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Definite and Indefinite Articles
The Writing the in French is more complicated than in English. You must determine a few things about the noun you are talking about before using the proper form of the. Masculine singular nouns take le or l Feminine singular nouns take la or l Plural nouns (masculine and feminine) take les
A and Some Writing a in French is more complicated than in English. You must determine a few things about the noun you are talking about before using the proper form of a. Masculine singular nouns take un Feminine singular nouns take une Plural nouns (masculine and feminine) take des
Practice words with the _____ crayon_____ maison(f.) _____ gomme_____ France _____ ciseaux(p.)_____ élève (m./f.) _____ garçon_____ professeur _____ fille_____ ami _____ monsieur_____ amis _____ quiche_____ copine
Practice words with a _____ crayon_____ maison _____ gomme_____ Français _____ ciseaux_____ élève (m.) _____ garçon_____ professeur _____ fille_____ ami _____ monsieur_____ amis _____ quiche_____ copine
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