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L’imperatif. How do you tell someone what to do in English?

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Présentation au sujet: "L’imperatif. How do you tell someone what to do in English?"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 L’imperatif

2 How do you tell someone what to do in English?

3 When you tell someone to do something you use the command form of the verb, the imperative (l’imperatif)

4 La forme de l’impératif Parle!Finis!Vends! Parlons!Finissons!Vendons! Parlez!Finissez!Vendez! finirparlervendre

5 To give a command to someone you know well use the tu form of the verb As in English, the “you” (tu) is understood.

6 Exemple: Tu vends (You sell/are selling)  Vends! (Sell!)

7 To give a command to someone you know well using an –ER verb, use the tu form of the verb minus the –s.

8 Exemple: Tu danses (You dance/are dancing) Danse! (Dance!)

9 To give a command to someone you address in a formal way, use the formal form with the pronoun.

10 Exemple: Vous dansez (You dance/are dancing) Dansez! (Dance!)

11 The command form for nous (Let’s dance! Let’s sing!) is the same as the conjugated form of the verb for nous. The subject pronoun (nous) is omitted because it’s understood.

12 Exemples: Choisissons! (Let’s choose!) Chantons! (Let’s sing!) Défendons! (Let’s defend!)

13 Les exceptions Sois! Aie!Sache! Soyons!Ayons!Sachons! Soyez!Ayez!Sachez! être avoirsavoir

14 Let’s order people around! Ton chien …. aller dans le jardin  Vas dans le jardin!

15 Let’s order people around! Tes amis … choisir un film  Choisissez un film!

16 Let’s order people around! 1.Ta soeur … regarder la télé 2.Le prof … expliquer la leçon 3.Ton ami … être prudent 4.Les étudiants … finir les devoirs 5.Nos cousins … savoir notre famille

17 Let’s order people around! 1.Regarde la télé! 2.Expliquez la leçon! 3.Sois prudent! 4.Finissez les devoirs! 5.Sachons notre famille!

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