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Publié parGahariet Debray Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
What is Verb Conjugation? For one thing, conjugating a verb is simply putting a verb in an orderly arrangement. We will use a chart. To create this chart we will consider person and tense. Does this sound confusing? Does it sound complicated? We’ll take it step by step. Stay with us! Simple tenses show the period of time in which a verb takes place: ___________, __________, __________. We will, for now, make our chart, or verb conjugation in the present tense. We are saying things are taking place __________ or regularly. OK, that takes care of tense. Let’s consider person. When conjugating for person, the verb changes, depending on whether we are talking about the __________, __________, __________ person. Looking at an example should make this clearer. First we consider the full infinitive or what I call the Papa Verb. Basically Papa tells us what the verb is. Then we take a look at Papa’s family and consider what in grammatical terms is called the person. past, present, future. now first, second, or third person. Leçon 6 Une invitation - de la page 82 jusqu’à la page 91 1 past present future firstsecondthird
We will conjugate the verb to dance in English. Add the full infinitive or the Papa verb to the chart. Now let’s add Papa’s family. Name a pronoun that can begin a sentence. Fill in the chart as we brainstorm. The full infinitive or Papa Verb ________________________ PersonSingularPersonPlural Leçon 6 Une invitation - de la page 82 jusqu’à la page 91 2
The most frequently used verb in French is __________ which means ____ ____. Let’s do this in English first. Remember the order of the pronouns. That order must always stay the same. etre which means to be The full infinitive or Papa Verb ________________________ SINGULARPLURAL en anglais en français en anglais en français 1 st person 1 st person nous 2 nd person 2 nd person vous 3 rd person 3 rd person – mil - felle Remember when we learned to tell time? How did we pronounce these? deux heures, trois heures, six heures, neuf heures, dix heures zzzzv 3 Leçon 6 Une invitation - de la page 82 jusqu’à la page 91 êtreto be Iam you are he she is jesuis tues ilest elle weare you are they are sommes êtes sont s s
Leçon 6 Une invitation - de la page 82 jusqu’à la page 91 4 tuvous singular Do you call the person by their first name or a nickname? Do you use Mr, Mrs, Miss? If you don’t use a first name or nickname.. use plural When talking to two or more people vous use
Vocabulaire – Où? Où est Cécile?Where is Cécile? Elle est....... here ici there là over there là-bas à Parisà Bostonà Québec en classeen villeen vacances Leçon 6 Une invitation - de la page 82 jusqu’à la page 91 5
Vocabulaire – Où? Où est Cédric?Where is Cédric? Il est.... en Franceà la maison au caféau restaurantau cinéma Leçon 6 Une invitation - de la page 82 jusqu’à la page 91 6
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