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LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Translating the Other – Lapland in French travel accounts and Finnish translations PhD course.

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1 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Translating the Other – Lapland in French travel accounts and Finnish translations PhD course on Second Language Acquisition and Translation Studies University of Bergen, 11–14 November 2009 Merja Torvinen University of Oulu, Finland

2 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Questions and methods  Research questions: representations of the Finns and the Saamis in French STs and Finnish TTs: discourses, ideologies, identities? travel literature as a genre  Methods: critical discourse and text analysis systemic-functional linguistics genre studies translator interview

3 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Material  Jean-François Regnard: Voyage de Laponie (1731)  Réginald Outhier: Journal d’un voyage au Nord en 1736 & 1737 (1744)  Xavier Marmier: Relation du voyage (1842)  Translator: Marja Itkonen-Kaila  Retki Lappiin (1982)  Matka Pohjan perille 1736–1737 (1975)  Pohjoinen maa. 1800- luvun Lappia ja Suomea ranskalaisen silmin (1999)

4 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Discourse analysis: some tentative conclusions  Source texts: 17th century: wild Other C’est la derniere ville du monde du coté du nord: Le reste jusqu’au cap n’étant habité que par des Lapons, gens sauvages, qui n’ont aucune demeure fixe. (Regnard 1731: 67) 18th century: Other of pity and sympathy Il venoit quelques Lappons d’une figure à faire peur, nous demander l’aumône en pleurant ; ils entroient sans frapper à la porte, & sans façon, dans nos Chambres ; & de tout ce qu’ils marmotoient, on n’entendoit que le mot, Jesou Christou, qu’ils répetoient assez souvent. (Outhier 1744: 105) 19th century: romanticized Other Le lait mêlé avec de l’eau est sa boisson habituelle, la montagne est son domaine, et, l’hiver comme l’été, au milieu des amas de neige comme au bord des vagues, il se fait, avec quelques piquets, un refuge contre la tempête, et s’endort paisiblement sous sa tente de vadmel. (Marmier 1843: 1/348)  Translations: the translator’s discourse of ’de-mystification’: presence through prefaces and footnotes

5 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Roles and processes  Ce furent les premiers Lapons (Relational: Attribute) que nous vîmes (Mental: Senser), & dont la vûe nous réjoüit tout-à-fait (Mental: Senser). Ils venoient troquer de poisson pour du tabac. (Material: Actor) Nous les considérâmes depuis la tête jusqu’aux pieds; (Mental: Senser) ces hommes sont faits tout autrement que les autres. (Material: Patient) La hauteur des plus grands n’excéde pas trois coudées; (Material: Patient) & je ne vois pas de figure plus propre à faire rire. (Mental: Senser) Ils ont la tête grosse, le visage large & plat, le nez écrasé, les yeux petits, la bouche large, une barbe épaisse (Relational: Possessor) qui leur pend sur l’estomac. (Material: Location) (R90FR)  Nämä olivat ensimmäiset näkemämme lappalaiset (Relational: Attribute), ja heidän ulkonäkönsä huvitti meitä suuresti. He olivat tulleet vaihtamaan kalaa tupakkaan. (Material: Actor) Tarkastelimme heitä kiireestä kantapäähän (Mental: Senser/Sensed) ja totesimme, (Mental: Senser) että nämä ihmiset on tehty toisella lailla kuin muut. (Material: Patient) Kookkaimmatkaan heistä eivät ole kolmea kyynärää pitempiä, (Relational: Carrier/Attribute) enkä ole hullunkurisempia olentoja nähnyt. (Mental: Senser/Sensed) Heillä oli iso pää, leveät ja litteät kasvot, litistynyt nenä, pienet silmät, leveä suu ja vatsalle asti roikkuva tuuhea parta. (Relational: Possessor (R34FI) [“These were the first Lapps that we saw and the sight of them quite amused us. They came to trade fish for tobacco. We considered them from the head to the toes; these people are made differently from the others. The height of the tallest ones doesn’t exceed three ell; & I don’t see a figure more laughable. They have a big head, a wide and flat face, a flattened nose, small eyes, a wide mouth, a thick beard which hangs on the stomach.“ ]

6 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Process analysis

7 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Process analysis

8 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies ST/TT

9 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies ST/TT

10 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies ST/TT

11 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Examples of diverging translations of relational processes  Relational > elision: C’est là que la famille couche pendant tout l’Hiver (O107FR) [It is there that the family sleeps all of winter] Täällä perhe nukkuu talven aikana (O100FI) [Here the family sleeps during the winter]  Relational into mental: Il a pour le sol qui lui appartient une sorte d’affection enfantine (M12bFR) [He has for the land that he owns a sort of childlike affection] Hän tuntee omistamaansa maata kohtaan eräänlaista lapsenomaista kiintymystä (M55FI) [He feels for the land that he owns a sort childlike affection]

12 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies Examples of diverging translations of relational processes  Relational into material: Il a été quatre ans maître d’école à Kautokeino, dix ans länsmand dans un district (M347aFR) [He has been four years a school teacher in Kautokeino, ten years a rural police chief in a district] Hän on toiminut neljä vuotta Koutokeinon koulun opettajana ja kymmenen vuotta erään piirin nimismiehenä (M26FI) [He has worked for four years as the teacher in the school of Koutokeino and 10 years as the rural police chief of a certain district]  Relational into existential: Sans d’autres endroits sur ces petites Rivieres, ils ont de très-petits Moulins à moudre les grain (O78FR) [Without other places on these little rivers, they have very small mills to grind the grain] Useissa paikoin näiden pikkujokien varsilla on myös pieniä myllyjä (O76FI) [In several places along these little rivers there are small mills]

13 LANGNET, The Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies What’s next?  Recalculating the roles according to a revised model  Finishing up…

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