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La présentation est en train de télécharger. S'il vous plaît, attendez

En parlant du passé  composé means two parts  an auxiliary verb  a past participle  This differs from English in that we use the preterit to express.

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Présentation au sujet: "En parlant du passé  composé means two parts  an auxiliary verb  a past participle  This differs from English in that we use the preterit to express."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 En parlant du passé

3  composé means two parts  an auxiliary verb  a past participle  This differs from English in that we use the preterit to express the past, which is a simple (one part) tense

4  The preterit (or simple past) in English usually is recognized by the -ed ending  walked  talked  studied (a spell change verb!)  played  called  texted

5  The preterit is used to talk about actions that took place in the past and  were completed in the past  express a past state  interrupted another past action  happened at a particular time  These actions or events can be singular, or occur in a chain

6  I was born in 1980.  We turned the oven off two minutes ago.  I came home at 6 o'clock.  When did they get married?  We wrote two letters this morning. (the simple past is appropriate here if it is no longer morning)  She placed the letter on the table, sighed, and left the house.

7  Like the preterit, le passé composé expresses:  events that happened in the past and were completed in the past  past events that interrupted another past event  used as a narrative tense in oral and informal writing


9  verbe auxiliaire + participe passé

10  Quels sont les deux auxiliaires ?  avoir  être  How do you know when to use which?

11  du participe passé !  It depends on your past participle!  Most past participles use avoir as their auxiliary  Specific verbs, called DRMRSVANDERTRAMP verbs, use être  Reflexive verbs also use être

12  -er verbs:  take off R and add an accent aigu to the E = é  -ir verbs:  take off the R  -re verbs:  take off the RE ending, add U

13  -er verbs:  parler = parlé (spoke)  regarder = regardé (watched)  étudier = étudié (studied)  -ir verbs:  finir = fini (finished)  choisir = choisi (chose)  grandir = grandi (grew)

14  -re verbs:  vendre = vendu (sold)  rendre = rendu (gave back, turned in)  entendre = entendu (listened)  J’ai parlé… avec mes amis hier.  Tu as fini… tes devoirs en retard.  Elle a vendu… sa première voiture.

15  acquérir: acquis (acquired)  apprendre: appris (learnt/learned)  atteindre: atteint (attained)  attendre: attendu (waited)  avoir: eu (had)  battre: battu (beaten)  boire: bu (drunk/drunken)  comprendre: compris (understood)  conduire: conduit (driven)  connaître: connu (known)  construire: construit (constructed)  courir: couru (run)  couvrir: couvert (covered)  craindre: craint (feared)  croire: cru (believed)  décevoir: déçu (disappointed)  découvrir: découvert (discovered)  devoir: dû (had to)  dire: dit (said)  écrire: écrit (written)  être: été (been)  faire: fait (done, made)  fondre: fondu (to melt)  instruire: instruit (prepared)  joindre: joint (joined)  lire: lu (read)  mettre: mis (put, placed)  offrir: offert (offered)  ouvrir: ouvert (opened)  paraître: paru (come out)  peindre: peint (painted)  pouvoir: pu (been able to)  prendre: pris (taken)  produire: produit (produced)  recevoir: reçu (received)  savoir: su (known)  souffrir: souffert (hurt)  surprendre: surpris (surprised)  suivre: suivi (followed)  tenir: tenu (held, holden)  vivre: vécu (lived)  voir: vu (seen)  vouloir: voulu (wanted)

16  Write complete responses to the following questions:  1- Quand est-ce que tu as étudié hier ?  2-Est-ce qu’elle a parlé à son ami ?  3-À quelle heure est-ce que vous avez dîné pour le Thanksgiving ?  4- Où est-ce que j’ai mis mes clés ?  5- Est-ce qu’il a chanté ce week-end ?

17  Respond to the following questions in the negative, and in complete sentences.  1- Est-ce que tu as passé ton enfance à Paris?  2- Est-ce qu’elle a rencontré un nouveau copain ?  3- Est-ce que nous avons dîné dans ce restaurant ?  4- Est-ce qu’ils ont regardé le match du foot ?  5- Est-ce que vous avez décoré le sapin de Noël avant le Thanksgiving ?


19  the following verbs use être as their helping verb:  Devenir – to become – devenu  Revenir – to come back – revenu  Monter – to go up – monté  Rester – to stay – resté  Sortir– to exit – sorti  Passer – to pass by (this case only) – passé  Venir – to come – venu  Aller – to go – allé  Naître – to be born – né  Descendre – to descend – descendu  Entrer – to enter – entré  Retourner – to return – retourné  Tomber – to fall – tombé  Rentrer- to re-enter- rentré  Arriver – to arrive – arrivé  Mourir – to die – mort  Partir – to leave – parti

20  When être is the helping verb, the past participle MUST AGREE with the subject pronoun in number and gender  masculine singular = add nothing  feminine singular = add an E  masculine plural = add an S  feminine plural = add ES

21  Colette est allée à la fête.  Robert est arrivé en retard au meeting.  Sylvie et Anne sont parties pour la France ce matin.  Gérard et Guillaume sont retournés de leurs vacances hier.  Marie et Paul sont tombés amoureux.

22  This is something you have to know in order to correctly form the passé composé with être  je and tu are always singular, and they may be masculine or feminine  il is always singular and masculine  elle is always singular and feminine  nous and vous are always plural, and they can be masculine or feminine  ils is always plural and masculine (or mixed group)  elles is always plural and feminine

23  Write complete responses to the following questions :  1- Est-ce que tu es allée quelque part (somewhere) pour le festin du Thanksgiving ?  2- Quand est-ce que votre famille est revenue du festin ?  3- Est-ce que tes amis sont allés faire du shopping pour le vendredi noir ?

24 reflexive verbs

25  Verbs whose action is performed upon oneself  Examples:  to brush one’s hair  to wash one’s hands  to look at oneself  to talk to oneself  to cut oneself  to break one’s bone/s  to dress oneself  to prepare oneself  etc.

26  verbs whose action is performed upon oneself  quelques exemples:  se brosser les cheveux  se laver les mains  se regarder  se parler  se couper (le doigt)  se casser l’os  s’habiller  se préparer  etc.

27  The se in reflexive verbs is an indicator that you must use a reflexive pronoun with your verb conjugation.  Reflexive pronouns match the subject pronoun used:  je – me  tu – te  il – se  elle – se  nous – nous  vous – vous  ils – se  elles - se

28  Regardez les photos suivantes.  Qu’est-ce qu’ils font?







35  The double negation is placed around the reflexive pronoun and verb  Je ne me lève pas tôt le week-end.  Elle ne se dépêche jamais !  Ils ne se rasent pas au mois du novembre.

36  Reflexive verbs use être in the passé composé  The reflexive pronoun comes before the helping verb  Je me suis habillée  Il s’est réveillé  Nous nous sommes préparés  Elles se sont maquillées  The rules of past participle and subject agreement still apply!

37  To add in the double negation in the passé composé, the negation is placed around the reflexive pronoun and helping verb.  Je ne me suis pas maquillée.  Il ne s’est pas rasé.  Nous ne nous sommes pas préparés.

38 Les verbes réfléchis au passé composé







45  When using reflexive verbs in the past tense, there’s a little exception to the past participle agreement  If the reflexive verbal phrase has a direct object, the past participle does NOT agree with its subject  se laver les mains ▪ Elle s’est lavé les mains.  se brosser les dents ▪ Elles se sont brossé les dents.



48  Write a short essay about your daily routine this morning. What did you do to get ready? What did you not do? Write at least ten complete sentences, with at least two of those ten sentences in the negative.  Write the essay in Word format and turn it in to the Student Commons folder. Be sure to include your name in the file path!

Télécharger ppt "En parlant du passé  composé means two parts  an auxiliary verb  a past participle  This differs from English in that we use the preterit to express."

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