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Publié parIvon Brunet Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Les Nombres Numbers – this powerpoint aims to teach students the numbers one to ten.
10 dix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf
drill the numbers 1-9 (written form appears on the click). You could then use this slide to play bingo, splat, noughts and crosses, etc… Number ten appear on top at the end. Some nice techniques for teaching sequences include: Listen and repeat (teacher says the word – class repeats – as they get more confident, a student could take the teacher role) Counting odds and evens – this helps them to really associate the word with the number, doing this backwards is also another technique. Using fingers – teacher says a number and students have to display the right number of fingers, then teacher shows fingers and the class have to say the number. Always start with the listening activity first – understanding comes before production of language!! sept huit neuf
Chantez! un, deux, un, deux, trois quatre, cinq, quatre, cinq, six sept, neuf, sept, neuf, huit, dix et puis ça recommence la la la la onze, douze, onze, douze, treize quatorze, quinze, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt Ça y est c'est fini, c'est fini enfin ! Here are the song words – the audio is on the website. – each line appears on click of the mouse un – one deux – two trois – three quatre – four cinq – five six – six sept – seven huit – eight neuf – nine dix – ten et puis ça recommence la la la la – and so we start again la la la la Ça y est c'est fini, - and here it is finished c'est fini enfin ! – in finished at last!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Les Nombres un deux trois quatre cinq six sept
Trouve les paires et copie le mot correcte: 1 2 3 4 5 un deux trois quatre cinq 6 7 8 9 10 This can be printed out from the worksheet powerpoint. Click on the written form for it to appear against the correct number six sept huit neuf dix quatre un huit neuf six deux sept dix trois cinq
Activité sept dix-sept quinze onze six quatorze huit trois cinq quatre
plus = (+) moins = (-) ça fait = (=) Calcule: deux + cinq = treize + quatre = neuf + six = dix + un = un + deux + trois = vingt – six = dix-neuf – onze = seize – treize = quinze – dix = dix-huit – quatorze = sept _______________________ dix-sept quinze onze six quatorze maths – this is taken from the worksheet also – an additional task would be to get the students to say the working out in french huit trois cinq quatre
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