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Popular Mobilization Creating a mass movement to take action and put pressure on decision makers for social change Créer une masse critique d’acteurs.

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2 Popular Mobilization Creating a mass movement to take action and put pressure on decision makers for social change Créer une masse critique d’acteurs pour mettre pression sur les decideurs pour un changement social

3 10 Steps to Effective Mobilization 1.Comprendre la problématique 2.Connaître la cible 3.Développer les arguments Le problème (simple) L’importance du problème (engageant) La solution proposée (cohérente) Comment la solution va changer le problème (convaincant) 1.Understand the issue 2.Understand your target/ get in their shoes 3.Develop your arguments Problem (simple) Why it matters (engaging) The solution you propose (coherent) How your solution will change things (convincing)

4 10 Steps to Effective Mobilization 4.Faire comprendre la problématique (et ne laisser personne oublier) – Information 5.Rendre le problème personnel Sensibiliser 4.Let them know what the problem is (and don’t let them forget) - Awareness 5.Let them know why they should care - Sensitization

5 10 Steps to Effective Mobilization 6.Proposer une action – Mobilisation 7.Faire en sorte que des leader d’opinion leur demander de prendre la même action 8.Sécuriser le contact 6.Give them something to do!!!! - Mobilization 7.Get opinion leaders to tell them to do it too 8.Get their contact

6 10 Steps to Effective Mobilization 9.Partager l’information sur le progrès de la campagne grâce à cette action 10.Proposer d’autres actions - Engagement 9.Keep them up-to date on their action’s impact on the issue 10.Give them other things to do - Engagement

7 Popular Mobilisation Engaged Mobilized Sensitized Informed Build a critical mass that can take action and pressure decision makers for a policy or practice change

8 Questions for Individual work  Targets: tell us one word that describes your target  Argument: What do you tell people to make them care about the issue: create enough passion to make them act (3 examples and critique)  Mobilization:  What types of pressure works for decision makers?  What action do you propose for them to express their concern and/or to exert that pressure  Engagement: How do you keep the supporters engaged throughout the campaign and after? In what other ways can they be involved

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