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La mémoire(1): Comment bien travailler
français La mémoire(1): Comment bien travailler
Nous allons… regarder écouter réfléchir parler mémoriser
Memory 3
Study this picture for 1 minute
Study this picture for 1 minute. Try to remember as much as possible about it. Now tell your partner about the picture. Take it in turns to say something. After the activity ask them whether they found it easy or hard. What strategies did they use? 4
The first 10 steps to improving your memory
Believe you can improve your memory. Use it or lose it. Eat and sleep well. Be more observant – notice things! Give yourself time to memorise and take breaks. Create vivid, memorable images. Pay attention – you can’t learn something you don’t understand. Get regular exercise and don’t smoke. Over learn. Learn a foreign language! 5
1. How many exclamation marks were there in the 10 steps?
2 2. What was the 3rd letter of the 2nd word of the 1st step? u 3. List all 10 steps in the order they appeared in the list. !!!!!!! These sorts of questions are ridiculous and impossible for most of us to answer. We are not expecting you to train your memory for things like that, but rather be able to memorise vocabulary, grammar rules and phrases. 6
Vocabulaire yellow jaune and et a sharpener un taille-crayon
À 7 heures violet combien? le matin avec un dossier de mais un crayon huit des ciseaux yellow and a sharpener at 7 o’clock purple how much? in the morning with a file from but a pencil 8 a pair of scissors Teach this list of words in the TL. 7
1. You will learn how to memorise words.
Over the next term: 1. You will learn how to memorise words. 2. You will learn how to memorise whole sentences. 3. You will learn how to memorise for a spoken presentation. 8
Level 1: Learning words 9
Vocabulaire yellow jaune and et a sharpener un taille-crayon
À 7 heures violet combien? le matin avec un dossier de mais un crayon huit des ciseaux yellow and a sharpener at 7 o’clock purple how much? in the morning with a file from but a pencil 8 a pair of scissors Teach this list of words in the TL. 10
jaune et un taille-crayon À 7 heures violet combien? le matin avec
Homework Below and on the right are the 14 words you have been learning in class today. At the start of the next class you will do a quiz on these words. Your task for the next lesson is to be able to: Memorise the meaning of the words. Memorise the spelling of the words and how to spell the word out loud Memorise the pronunciation of the words This is how to complete this task: Use the strategies discussed in class to help you learn the words Using the sheet with the French and English test yourself on the words. After testing each time, use the other side of this sheet to colour code the words in the following way: Green: I can say and spell this word and know its meaning Orange/Yellow: I have difficulties with the spelling/pronunciation or meaning Red/Pink: I am struggling to learn this word. 4. Repeat 1-3 until you manage all words and can colour them green! jaune et un taille-crayon À 7 heures violet combien? le matin avec un dossier de mais un crayon huit des ciseaux Give the students a copy of these words and on the reverse copy the next slide so they can test their learning at intervals. 11
Lists to help you memorise the vocabulary
1st attempt 2nd attempt 3rd attempt 4th attempt jaune et un taille-crayon à sept heures violet quand le matin avec une pochette de mais un crayon huit des ciseaux jaune et un taille-crayon à sept heures violet quand la matin avec une pochette de mais un crayon huit des ciseaux jaune et un taille-crayon à sept heures violet quand la matin avec une pochette de mais un crayon huit des ciseaux jaune et un taille-crayon à sept heures violet quand la matin avec une pochette de mais un crayon huit des ciseaux 12
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