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Publié parGeneviève Lejeune Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Nous allons …….. Décrire les phrases longues
Apprendre par coeur une phrase longue This lesson is to build in the verbs with sports and freetime activities plus ‘j’aime’. It is important to stress the difference between ‘j’aime le tennis ’ and ‘j’aime jouer au tennis ’ so that pupils can make their own meanings more effectively and knowledgeably. The lesson also introduces/revises a few new activities.
Jouer à... Opportunity to show difference between j’aime + noun and j’aime + infinitive + noun. Whole class oral work.
Faire de la/du/de l’... And again here with non ball sports.
Lire des livres Se relaxer Ecouter la musique Regarder la télé
New/revised language. Ecouter la musique Regarder la télé
Jouer au… faire de la/du …
Pairwork oral activity – Battleships. Pupils will need their own A5 copy of a blank grid (see last slide in this powerpoint) Pupils select their own boat positions and draw them on (unseen by their partner) The game is to form sentences to try to find your partner’s battleships. Most pupils should have played this once or twice in year 7 and should be familiar with the activity.
La pyramide opinion + verbe + sport/activité + extra + raison + extra
avec = with sans = without dans= in mais = but et = and aussi = also parce que = because La pyramide J’aime opinion Jouer + verbe + sport/activité au tennis Dans mon école/avec mon père + extra Idea of this is to model sentence building to show how pupils can increase the length and interest of their sentences. (This sentence is 20 words long). Point out the value of using connectives, opinions, reasons. Tell them to use their Core Language sheet too for the next activities. Parce que c’est amusant + raison Mais je n’aime pas le cyclisme parce que c’est ennuyeux. + extra
Using your pyramid sheet write as long a sentence as you can!
A challenge! Using your pyramid sheet write as long a sentence as you can! Remember that you can link 2 ‘pyramid’ sentences with an ‘et’ or ‘mais’ to extend the length & interest
The next challenge! Memorise one of your 2 pyramid sentences and say it to your partner or a teacher One of the 3 key skills we want to focus on with these groups in year 8 is memory. The importance of memorising new language should be made really explicit to them and they should be rewarded for doing activities like this well. Make sure you ask pupils who learn one successfully in this activity to model it to the whole class.
J’aime danser et jouer au golf. Je m’appelle Nathalie.
Je m’appelle Victor. J’aime danser et jouer au golf. Je m’appelle Nathalie. J’aime jouer au volley et aller au cinéma. Je m’appelle Léon. J’adore manger le fast food et faire du judo. Je m’appelle Pierre. Ce qui m’intéresse c’est écouter la musique et faire du vélo tout terrain. Je m’appelle David. J’aime faire de l’athlétisme et jouer au foot. Je m’appelle Marie. J’aime beaucoup écouter de la musique et faire de la gymnastique I anticipate that this activity might be consolidation homework rather than classworrk but obviously it depends on the class. This slide and the next can be printed and reduced so that the whole activity fits onto one A4 sheet. It can be marked using the answer slide next lesson. Je m’appelle Sandra. J’adore jouer avec les jeux vidéos et aller à la pêche. Je m’appelle François. J’aime faire de l’équitation et du patinage.
Nathalie Francois Sandra Victor David Pierre Marie Léon
Nous avons …….. p p Fait des phrases longues
Mémorisé une phrase plus longue p p
Jouer à .. Pratiquer le/la…
Pairwork oral activity – Battleships. Pupils will need their own A5 copy of a blank grid (see last slide in this powerpoint) Pupils select their own boat positions and draw them on (unseen by their partner) The game is to form sentences to try to find your partner’s battleships. Most pupils should have played this once or twice in year 7 and should be familiar with the activity.
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