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Publié parAloys Abadie Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Subject Pronouns The subject pronouns are: je / jI (j is used before a vowel or silent H) tuyou(singular, informal) il he elleshe onwe nouswe vousyou(plural, polite) ilsthey (m) ellesthey (f)
Present Tense: Regular Verbs -ER Verbs-RE Verbs-IR Verbs jouerattendrefinir jouattendfin je jouej'attendsje finis tu jouestu attendstu finis il joueil attendil finit nous jouonsnous attendonsnous finissons vous jouezvous attendezvous finissez ils jouentils attendentils finissent 1.Remove the ending from the Infinitive (er/ ir/ re) 2.Add the correct ending.
Reflexive Verbs Reflexive Verbs are verbs which either a)Reflect the action back onto the subject e.g. je me lave – I wash myself or b)Have the sense of each other e.g. ils saiment – they love each other
Reflexive Verbs in the Present Tense The only difference between Reflexive Verbs and regular er /ir /re verbs is the addition of a Reflexive Pronoun. The reflexive Pronouns are: me te se nous vous se
se laver – to wash oneself/ to get washed je me lave tu te laves il se lave elle se lave nous nous lavons vous vous lavez ils se lavent elles se lavent
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