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Publié parPerceval Laval Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Un petit test de… …géographie!
1 (city) 2 (mountains) 3 (city) 4 (country) 5 (country) 6 (river)
Le passé composé – Talking about what you did Jai.. Nous avons nagé parlé mangé dragué dansé regardé écouté bu joué fait acheté visité vu lu I (have)…I (have)… We (have)…We (have)… watchedwatched spokespoke diddid swamswam danceddanced playedplayed ateate chatted upchatted up listenedlistened drankdrank sawsaw readread visitedvisited boughtbought Copy the French on the left neatly into your book, then try to decide what they might mean in English using the vocab on the right
Le passé composé – Talking about what you did Jai.. On a… nagé parlé mangé dragué dansé regardé écouté bu joué fait acheté visité vu lu I (have)… We (have)… swam spoke ate chatted up danced watched listened drank played did bought visited saw read Copy the French on the left neatly into your book, then try to decide what they might mean in English using the vocab on the right
Les jours de la semaine. L M M J V S D Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dimanche
Jai passé – I spent Jai passé… Jai passé 5 jours Jai passé une semaine Jai passé un mois Jai passé quinze jours I spent… I spent 5 days I spent a week I spent a month I spent a fortnight. Say how long you spent on your holiday…
Looking back over what we have covered this lesson can you put the following short paragraph into English? Lété dernier jai passé mes vacances en Italie. Jai passé une semaine dans un hotel à Rome. Jai passé mes vacances avec ma famille. Il a fait chaud tous les jours. Last summer I spent my holidays in Italy. I spent a week in a hotel in Rome. I spent my holidays with my family. It was hot everyday.
Looking back over what we have covered this lesson can you put the following short paragraph into English? Lannée dernière jai passé mes vacances en Grèce. Cétait super! Jai passé cinq jours dans un appartement à Ayia Napa. Jai passé mes vacances avec mon cousin. Il a fait chaud tous les jours! Last summer I spent my holidays in Greece. It was super! I spent a week in a appartement in Ayia Napa. I spent my holidays with my cousin. It was hot everyday!
La météo froid matin il a lundi fait il a fait froid lundi matin tous les jours fait il a beau il a fait beau tous les jours soirs les plu il a il a plu les soirs après-midi neigé il a mercredi il a neigé mercredi après-midi sauf il a tous les jours chaud dimanche fait il a fait chaud tous les jours sauf dimanche Last lesson we looked at the weather. Can you unjumble these phrases into the correct French. Check your own notes to help you!
Time indicators. Dernier Lannée dernière La semaine dernière Le mois dernier Lété dernier Last Last year Last week Last month Last summer
Jai passé – I spent Jai passé mes vacances en… Jai passé mes vacances en Espagne Jai passé passé mes vacance en Belgique Jai passé mes vacances en Suisse I spent my holidays in… I spent my holidays in Spain I spent my holidays in Belgium I spent my holidays in Switzerland Say where you spent your holiday…
Jai passé – I spent Jai passé mes vacances avec…. Ma famille Mon ami(e) Mon oncle Mes grand-parents Mon collège I spent my holidays with… My family My friend My uncle My grand-parents My school Say with who you spent your holiday…
Jai passé – I spent Jai passé mes vacances dans… Un gite Un hotel Un camping Un appartement Une auberge de jeunesse I spent my holidays in… A guest house A hotel A campsite An appartment A youth hostel Say where you stayed on your holiday…
Now start your own mini-introduction to your coursework and include the following: 1.Where you went on holiday? 2.Who you went on holiday with? 3.How long you went on holiday for? 4.Where did you stay? 5.What was the weather like?
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