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Les systèmes et les moyens dobservation de la région Méditerranéenne (air, terre, mer). Stéphane Blain Avec le concours de G. Bergametti, F. Dulac, P.

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Présentation au sujet: "Les systèmes et les moyens dobservation de la région Méditerranéenne (air, terre, mer). Stéphane Blain Avec le concours de G. Bergametti, F. Dulac, P."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Les systèmes et les moyens dobservation de la région Méditerranéenne (air, terre, mer). Stéphane Blain Avec le concours de G. Bergametti, F. Dulac, P. Cochonnat, V. Ducrocq OSU Banyuls/mer Université Pierre et marie Curie

2 La région méditerranéenne ? LANDLAND SEASEA AIRAIR

3 Coast line 46,000 km, surface 2.5 10 6 km 2 LANDLAND SEASEA AIRAIR La région méditerranéenne ?


5 . ….. formerly known as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), is a European initiative for the implementation of information services dealing with environment and security Kopernikus is based on observation data received from Earth Observation satellites and ground based information. These data will be coordinated, analysed and prepared for end-users. Kopernikus is built up gradually: it starts with a pilot phase which targets the availability of a first set of operational GMES services by 2008 followed by the development of an extended range of services which meet user requirements. KOPERNIKUS,….observing our planet for a safer word LANDLAND SEASEA AIRAIR

6 EU-funded Integrated Projects developing pre-operational GMES services GEOLAND, MERSEA,PREVIEW, GEMS, LIMES EU-Funded Projects supporting GMES Implementation BOSS4GMES, HUMBOLDT –TANGO Network of Excellence supporting security applications under GMES GMOSS ESA GMES Services Element FOREST, LAND, TERRAFIRMA, RIS-EOS, RESPOND GMFS MARCOAST POLAR VIEW MARISS PROMOTE Other Projects in Support of GMES Activities GIGAS, NESIS, OASIS, ORCHESTRA, OSIRIS, WIN LANDLAND SEASEA AIRAIR KOPERNIKUS

7 Mediterranean Sea SST as seen by the MFS 1/16° forecasting system In situ observing system Floats Times series Vessels Gliders Data Managment Argo GOSUd OCEANSITES ENACT/ENSEMBLE Quality control LANDLAND SEASEA AIRAIR MERSEA

8 What observations do we have ? LANDLAND SEASEA AIRAIR EURO GOOS

9 Overview of existing continued stations and sections LANDLAND AIRAIR EURO GOOS Overview of existing continued stations and sections SEASEA

10 Toute lobservation nest pas dans KOPERNIKUS AMP, Natura 2000, CENSUS OF MARINE LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA Also SESAME, EUROSITES EUROCEANS ….. Towards an integrated system of Mediterranean marine observatories La Spezia (Italy), 16 - 19 January 2008, 144 p. (234 refs). Mussel watch Other EU projects

11 The prototype atmospheric services of Kopernikus are currently provided by two cooperating consortia that operate LANDLAND AIRAIR KOPERNIKUS SEASEA the PROMOTE GMES Service Element project funded by thePROMOTE European Space Agency, and the GEMS project funded by the European CommissionGEMS as part of the 6th Framework Programme for Research, Technical Development and Demonstration.

12 LANDLAND AIRAIR KOPERNIKUS SEASEA Global and regional Earth-system (Atmosphere) Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data (GEMS)

13 LANDLAND AIRAIR Mais aussi SEASEA ACCENT : Atmospheric composition change the european network of excellence A number of research infrastructures (research aircraft, laboratory facilities, advanced analytical instrumentation and/or monitoring stations) are currently operational in Europe for atmospheric studies. New methodologies for the investigation of atmospheric mechanisms, generation of original and high quality data for modelling purposes have emphasised the need for advanced facilities over Europe.

14 LANDLAND AIRAIR KOPERNIKUS PREVIEW : Fires, Windstorms, floods, lanslides, Earthquake and vulcanoes, man made SEASEA

15 Land Environmental Services operationally provide sound, reliable and affordable land related geo- information products on the regional, European and global scale. By the combined analysis of data received from Earth Observation satellites and ground based measuring networks theses services provide wide-area and cross- boarder harmonized geo-information products for a multitude of thematic areas, like land use / land cover change, soil sealing, water quality and availability, spatial planning, forest management, carbon storage and global food security. LANDLAND AIRAIR KOPERNIKUS SEASEA

16 GEOLAND Observatories The Regional Services focus on the implementation of newly established European Directives: Nature protection observatories (ONP) addressing the Habitats and Bird Directive, the Ramsar Convention, the Convention on Biological Diversity ; Spatial Planning Observatories (OSP) addressing the European Spatial Development Perspective, and the European Spatial Observatory Network. Water and Soil Observatory (OWS) addressing the Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection, and the Water Framework Directive; this observatory is subdivided into the thematic areas OWS-Water and OWS-Soil;OWS-WaterOWS-Soil LANDLAND AIRAIR KOPERNIKUS SEASEA The Global Services are directed towards the support of policies addressing Global Change and Sustainable Development: Natural carbon Fluxes Observatories addressing the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; Global land Cover and Forest Change Observatory (OLF) addressing the UN Forum on Forest, and the Forest and Development Communication of the Commission, Support of Environmental Measure in Developing Countries;



19 ESONET European Sea Observatory Network of Excellence LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory (listed In the European strategy forum on Research Infrastructure ESFRI) LIGURIAN SITE Mais aussi


21 Services dObservation de lINSU LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA Observatoires de Recherche en Environnement (ORE) Atmosphere : 9 SO Ocean : 5 SO SIC : 6 SO Terre : 8 SO + 2 sites nationaux dobservation ET EN FRANCE ?

22 LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA BEAM : Biophysicochimie de l'Eau Atmosphérique et Modifications anthropiques CESOA : Cycle atmosphérique du soufre en relation avec le climat aux moyennes et hautes latitudes Sud GLACIOCLIM : Les glaciers un observateur du climat NDSC France : Réseau d'observation des changements de la stratosphère et notamment de l'ozone IDAF: Les glaciers un observateur du climat MOZAIC : Measurements of OZone and water vapour by in-service AIrbus airCraft ORA/photon : Observatoire de Recherche sur les Aérosols PAES: Pollution Atmosphérique à l'Echelle Synoptique RAMCES: Réseau Atmosphérique de Mesure des Composés à Effet de Serre ET EN FRANCE ?

23 LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA French Observatories OISO : Océan Indien Service d'Observation / CARbon AUStral SOMLIT : Service dobservation du milieu littoral ROSAME : Réseau d'Observation Sub-antarctique et Antarctique du niveau de la MEr SSS: Service d'observation de la salinité des océans, Sea Surface Salinity PIRATA : PIlot Research moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic Réseaux de surveillance de lIFREMER RNO, REPHY, REMI, RSL, RINBIO, surveillance malaïgue MOOSE : Mediterranean Ocean Observation multi-Sites on Environment

24 LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA French Observatories AMMA-CATCH : Observatoire de la variabilité climatique Tropicale et de son impact hydrologique en Afrique de l'Ouest BVET : Fonctionnement hydrogéochimique de Bassins Versants Expérimentaux en milieu granitique Tropical OHMCV : Observatoire Hydro-Météorologique méditerranéen Cévennes-Vivarais H+: Réseau national de sites hydrogéologiques HYBAM : HYdrologie et Biogéochimie de l'AMazone OSR : Observatoire régional sur les surfaces et interfaces continentales + ….

25 LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA French Observatories RAP : Réseau accélérométrique permanent Renag : Réseau national des stations GPS permanentes Renass: réseau national de surveillance sismique + site ligure de EMSO, … SO en Géodésie Gravimétrie SO magnétisme SO sismologie SO volcanologie

26 LANDLAND AIRAIR SEASEA QUESTIONS? Quel est le degré exact de limplication des observatoires francais pertinent pour lobservation de la région méditerranéenne dans le dispositif Européen actuel. Forte Dissymétrie Europe – Afrique Moyen Orient de la densité des Observations de terrain Air Terre Mer Quels efforts sont à fournir pour faire mieux. Quel est le degré dintégration air/terre/mer et air-terre-mer pour les observations françaises de la région méditerranéenne Niveau national Niveau européen Niveau pan-méditerranéen en liaison avec les chantiers: ce dispositif est il suffisant, à modifier à compléter dans une perspective post-chantier?

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