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Explaining the imperfect and its uses L’imparfait.

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2 Explaining the imperfect and its uses L’imparfait

3 To this stem, add these endings: je...................................................... ais tu...................................................... ais il........................................................ ait nous................................................. ions vous................................................. iez ils...................................................... aient To form the Imperfect, take the NOUS form of the PRESENT TENSE then take off the –ONS to get the Imperfect stem.

4 1.Description in the past. 2.Describing the weather in the past. 3.Talking about something that used to happen regularly in the past. 4.Talking about what you used to do 5.Saying what was happening, when something else happened; (one action (in the perfect tense) cuts across another on-going one (in the imperfect) The Imperfect tense is used in the following cases: Uses of the imperfect tense

5 1.Le jardin était très grand et avait une belle pelouse. 2.Il faisait très mauvais et il pleuvait tout le temps. 3.Nous allions en France tous les ans. On faisait du ski dans les Pyrénées. 4.Quand j’étais petite, j’avais beaucoup de poupées. 5.Je lisais un livre quand mon frère est entré dans le salon. EXAMPLES: Examples

6 Check 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Decide if what you hear is an imperfect or not and then in the box provided, write what you hear in French and the translation in English.

7 Je pourrais te parler tout de suite. I could speak to you straight away. Elle tricotait, quand la téléphone a sonné. She was knitting when the phone rang. Ce matin, j’ai marché jusqu’au parc. This morning, I walked up to the park. Il faisait très beau hier. It was very good weather yesterday. Hier, j’ai écouté de la musique. Yesterday, I listened to music. Quand j étais petite, j’aimais les films. When I was small, I used to like films. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Correction

8 Check Regarder (je), écouter (tu), chanter (il), danser (nous), choisir (vous), apprendre (elles), prendre (tu), ouvrir (tu), mentir (elles), sentir (vous), rigoler (nous), mettre (je), penser (il), croire, fermer (nous), étudier (elles), bavarder (je), ranger (tu), sortir (nous), aimer (vous), jouer (tu), répondre (il), rester (vous), rentrer (il), prêter (vous), acheter (je), perdre (tu), fumer (vous), boire (il), voler (nous). JeTuIl/ElleNousVousIls/Elles Now find the imperfect of the following verbs. Write them in the table.

9 JeTuIl/ElleNousVousIls/Elles Je regardaisTu écoutaisIl chantaitNous dansions Vous aimiezElles étudiaient Je mettaisTu ouvraisIl pensaitNous rigolions Vous choisissez Elles apprenaient Je bavardaisTu croyaisIl répondaitNous fermions Vous prêtiezElles mentaient J’achetaisTu rangeaisIl rentraitNous sortionsVous sentiez Je perdaisTu jouaisIl buvaitNous volionsVous restiez Now find the imperfect of the following verbs. Write them in the table.

10 Songs Websites

11 OCR Resources: the small print OCR’s resources are provided to support the teaching of OCR specifications, but in no way constitute an endorsed teaching method that is required by the Board, and the decision to use them lies with the individual teacher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, OCR cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions within these resources. © OCR 2015 - This resource may be freely copied and distributed, as long as the OCR logo and this message remain intact and OCR is acknowledged as the originator of this work. Please get in touch if you want to discuss the accessibility of resources we offer to support delivery of our qualifications: This resource is an exemplar of the types of materials that will be provided to assist in the teaching of the new qualifications being developed for first teaching in 2016. It can be used to teach existing qualifications but has been designed to be used for the content in the new qualifications. Please check the OCR website for updates and additional resources being released. We would welcome your feedback so please get in touch. Thank you for using this OCR resource Other OCR resources are available at To give us feedback on, or ideas about, the OCR resources you have used email

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