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Aujourd'hui c'est Jeudi le 27 Octobre 2011 Pensée de la semaine: "The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." (Herbert Spencer) Complete.

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Présentation au sujet: "Aujourd'hui c'est Jeudi le 27 Octobre 2011 Pensée de la semaine: "The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." (Herbert Spencer) Complete."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Aujourd'hui c'est Jeudi le 27 Octobre 2011 Pensée de la semaine: "The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." (Herbert Spencer) Complete the warm-up. Warm-up Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au subjonctif. 1. Demain, il faut que je_________(faire) la lessive. 2. Avant de faire la lessive, il faut que je _________(laver) la voiture. 3. Il faut que nous _________(dresser) la table, puis nous allons regarder la télé. 4. Il faut que tu __________ (tondre) le gazon pendant que je ________(préparer) le déjeuner.

2 Traditional attitude towards household responsabilities in France.

3 Le conditionnel or the conditional in French The Conditional Tense in French is used in a largely similar way to that in which it is used in English. It expresses a condition, i.e. "would" in English. The conditional clause will often be dependent upon a "si clause" (which will be in the imperfect (See note below)) e.g. S'il faisait beau, j'irais à la plage avec ma famille. If the weather were good, I would go to the beach with my family. Si elle avait plus d'argent, elle sortirait plus souvent avec ses amis. If she had more money, she would go out with her friends more often. Mes parents viendraient avec nous, s'ils n'étaient pas obligés de travailler. My parents would come with us, if they didn't have to work. It can also express a future-in-the-past: e.g. Elle a dit qu'elle partirait vers neuf heures. She said she would leave around nine o'clock.

4 Formation of the Conditional Tense: This is easy in French. The Conditional Tense is formed by taking the FUTURE STEM of the verb, and adding the IMPERFECT ENDINGS. e.g. VENIR = VIENDR + je ____ ais je viendrais tu ____ ais tu viendrais il ____ ait il viendrait nous ____ ions nous viendrions vous ____ iez vous viendriez ils ____ aient ils viendraient Tenses in Conditional Sentences: As noted above, the IMPERFECT and CONDITIONAL are used together in "si clauses" in the same way as they are used in English. e.g. If I won the lottery, I would buy a larger house. Si je gagnais à la loterie, j'achèterais une plus grande maison. If my friend were not on holiday, we would go to the cinema together. Si mon ami n'était pas en vacances, nous irions ensemble au cinéma. This tense rule should be NOTED WELL as English learner of French tend to want to use the conditional in both parts of the sentence, even though this is not the case in English

5 Application 1)Mettez les verbes entre parenthèse au conditionnel présent Si j'habitais en ville, je (vendre)................................................ ma voiture et je (prendre)..................................................... les transports en commun. Nous (vouloir).................................................. savoir quand part notre train. S'ils avaient un garçon, ils l'(appeler)....................................... Arnaud. Si j'étais riche, je (faire)........................................ le tour du monde. Tu as pris du poids. Tu (devoir)......................................... faire du sport. S'il avait le choix, il (préférer).................................................... partir en vacances. Si j'invitais vos parents, vous (venir).......................................... aussi? Si j'étais toi, j'(aller)............................................... plus souvent à la mer. (pouvoir)..............................................vous me prêter votre stylo?

6 Transition

7 The subjunctive Form the subjunctive of regular verbs by replacing the -ent ending of the ils/elles form of present tense with the subjunctive endings. The set of endings is the same for -er, -re, and -ir verbs. -e -es -e -ions -iez -ent Verbs that have different stems for ils/elles and nous/vous in the present tense, (prendre, devoir, voir, venir, boire, etc.) will use their nous/vous stem for nous and vous in the subjunctive, and their ils/elles stem for all other forms. Present prendre: nous prenons / ils prennent Subjunctive prenne, prennes, prenne, prenions, preniez, prennent Present devoir: nous devons / ils doivent Subjunctive doive, doives, doive, devions, deviez, doivent Aller, faire, être and avoir are all irregular in the subjunctive. Aller and faire take regular endings, être and avoir do not. aller: aille, ailles, aille, allions, alliez, aillent faire: fasse, fasses, fasse, fassions, fassiez, fassent avoir: aie, aies, ait, ayons, ayez, aient être: sois, sois, soit, soyons, soyez, soient

8 Chapter 4: Future plans and choices: education plans. Objectives: Discuss education plans, giving details such as course of study and long- range goals. Sustain a conversation on educational plans in relation to future career goals. Understand information published by francophone universities or study- abroad programs such as brochures, letters, catalogues, and web sites. Write or speak about educational opportunities after high school, giving details about course of study and long-range goals. Produce and present situations which highlight future educational plans and long-range goals. Discuss the university systems of francophone countries.

9 Discuss job training and apprenticeship programs in francophone countries. Explain how the continued study of French improves verbal skills, abilities, and academic performance. Explain the connections between the study of French and career opportunities in other disciplines (math, science, technology, business, marketing, etc.). Compare and contrast post-secondary education systems in the U.S. and in francophone countries, including the importance and value of a college degree, testing programs leading to college admissions, admission to schools, and career paths to follow based on programs studied. Assess information about opportunities for post-secondary study abroad, using such resources as the school’s career center, public library, and the Internet.

10 Homework: Write about your education plans. (5 sentences)

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