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OBJECTIFS: C: To know and use at least 6 verbs in the “je” form of the imperfect tense. B: To be able to form the “je” form of the imperfect tense yourself,

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2 OBJECTIFS: C: To know and use at least 6 verbs in the “je” form of the imperfect tense. B: To be able to form the “je” form of the imperfect tense yourself, with different verbs. A: To form the imperfect tense in a range of subjects.

3 L’imparfait je jouais je faisais je mangeais je buvais j’aimais j’allais I used to like I used to eat I used to go I used to play I used to drink I used to do 1)Match up the verbs in French and English. 2)Can you explain the rule for forming the “je” form of the imperfect tense? Pay attention to the underlined words. 3)I used to watch / I used to think / I used to buy

4 L’imparfait je jouais je faisais je mangeais je buvais j’aimais j’allais I used to like I used to eat I used to go I used to play I used to drink I used to do 1)Match up the verbs in French and English. 2)Can you explain the rule for forming the “je” form of the imperfect tense? Pay attention to the underlined words. 3)I used to watch / I used to think / I used to buy

5 L’imparfait Like most tenses, you need a verb stem and endings. Regular –er verbs make it look like the stem is the same as the present tense. eg: jouer  jou  je jouais But this does not work for all verbs: eg: finir  finiss  finissais Where does this different stem come from? Present tense nous form (nous finissons = we finish). This rule works for all verbs in the imperfect tense. So if you know (or can find) the nous form of the present tense you can form the imperfect. Using the dictionary, work out the imperfect tense stem of the following verbs: commencer (to start)voir (to see) prendre (to take) craindre (to fear) connaître (to know)

6 Infinitive: commencer voir prendre craindre connaître Nous form present tense: nous commençons nous voyons nous prenons nous craignons nous connaissons Imperfect tense je commençais je voyais je prenais je craignais je connaissais

7 OBJECTIFS: C: To know and use at least 6 verbs in the “je” form of the imperfect tense. B: To be able to form the “je” form of the imperfect tense yourself, with different verbs. A: To form the imperfect tense in a range of subjects.

8 To form the imperfect tense in the “je” form you add –ais to the stem. Each subject has a different ending. L’imparfait Verb endings je tu il/elle/on nous vous ils -ais -ait -ions -iez -aient

9 Well Done! WIPEOUTWell Done! WIPEOUT Well Done! WIPEOUT: Which phrases are in the imperfect tense? je jouais nous jouions c’était je voudrais il mangaitil boiraitje buvaisnous avons il fumait elle faisait je mangerais nous faisions

10 1)I used to watch 2)I used to listen 3)I used to hate 4)I used to find 5)I used to dance 6)I used to wear 7)I used to love 8)I used to sing 1)we used to watch 2)he used to listen 3)she used to hate 4)they used to find 5)we used to dance 6)you (pl.) used to wear 7)you (s.) used to love 8)we used to sing C/B gradeA grade: je regardaisnous regardions j’écoutaisil écoutait je détestaiselle détestait je trouvaisils trouvaient je dansaisnous dansions je portaisvous portiez j’adoraistu adorais je chantaisnous chantions

11 OBJECTIFS: C: To know and use at least 6 verbs in the “je” form of the imperfect tense. B: To be able to form the “je” form of the imperfect tense yourself, with different verbs. A: To form the imperfect tense in a range of subjects.

12 la droite I used to play football.

13 la gauche I used to eat chips.

14 la droite I used to do swimming.

15 la gauche I used to smoke.

16 la droite I used to drink alcohol.

17 la gauche When I was little, I used to play tennis.

18 la droite In the past, I used to be lazy, but now I’m very active.

19 la gauche When I was young, I used to eat fast- food, but now I eat healthily.

20 la droite Before, I used to smoke, but now I don’t smoke anymore.

21 la gauche Before, I used to watch TV every day, but now I do sport.


23 OBJECTIFS: To consolidate the imperfect tense. To use time phrases and connectives to link verbs in the imperfect and present tenses. To contrast your lifestyle now with your lifestyle when you were younger.

24 Starter – choose the correct verb to fill the gap 1)Avant, je _____ de la natation trois fois par semaine. 2)Maintenant, je ______ la télé tous les soirs. 3)Je dors 8 heures par nuit parce que c’_____ bon pour la santé. 4)Quand j’étais petit, je ______ souvent au tennis et au foot. 5)Pendant mon enfance, j’étais assez actif, mais maintenant je ne ______ rien. jouais faisais allais regarde fais regardais était est étais fais joue jouais

25 1) Pour garder la forme, je fais de la musculation tous les jours. Match the sentences to the correct picture and state if it’s in the past or present. Read ing : 2) Je n’étais pas actif – je restais à la maison et je regardais la télé. 3) Je mangeais une alimentation équilibrée et buvais beaucoup d’eau. 4) Quand je sors avec mes copains je bois de l’alcool et parfois je fume. 5) J’étais en surpoids car je ne mangeais pas sainement. A B C D E

26 OBJECTIFS: To consolidate the imperfect tense. To use time phrases and connectives to link verbs in the imperfect and present tenses. To contrast your lifestyle now with your lifestyle when you were younger.

27 Quand j’étais petit… 1.j’aimais jouais mangeais buvais faisais 6.j’allais mais maintenant … j’aime je joue je mange je bois je fais je vais

28 Varying language: Quand j’étais petit… Quand j’étais jeune … Quand j’étais plus jeune … Quand j’avais 7 ans … Quand j’avais 9 ans … Pendant mon enfance … mais par contre cependant néanmoins maintenant actuellement aujourd’hui When I was little… When I was young… When I was younger… When I was 7 years old… When I was 9 years old… During my childhood… but on the other hand however however/nonetheless now currently today/nowards

29 Quand j’étais petit… 1.j’aimais jouais mangeais buvais faisais 6.j’allais mais maintenant … j’aime je joue je mange je bois je fais je vais par contre cependant néanmoins actuellement aujourd’hui Quand j’étais (plus) jeune… Quand j’avais 7 ans … Quand j’avais 9 ans … Pendant mon enfance …

30 Quand j’étais petit… 1.j’aimais jouais mangeais buvais faisais 6.j’allais mais maintenant … j’aime je joue je mange je bois je fais je vais par contre cependant néanmoins actuellement aujourd’hui Quand j’étais (plus) jeune… Quand j’avais 7 ans … Quand j’avais 9 ans … Pendant mon enfance … Now write a few sentences using the verbs, time phrases and connectives you have just practised. HIGHER: Use different verbs, not just the 6 provided. Include negatives.

31 OBJECTIFS: To consolidate the imperfect tense. To use time phrases and connectives to link verbs in the imperfect and present tenses. To contrast your lifestyle now with your lifestyle when you were younger.

32 aimer imparfait jouer present manger present faire imperfect faire present boire imperfect manger imperfect aller present jouer imperfect boire present aimer present aller imperfect Make a sentence using the verb and tense given, to claim each square.

33 Write a sentences based on each set of pictures. Use the imperfect AND present tense to make a contrast. Writ ing 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) EXT: Now write sentences of your own comparing what you used to do and now do in terms of healthy living.

34 OBJECTIFS: To consolidate the imperfect tense. To use time phrases and connectives to link verbs in the imperfect and present tenses. To contrast your lifestyle now with your lifestyle when you were younger.

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