FINAL EXAM NOTES Spring Semester Flip Chart. NameGrammar Concepts FRENCH ONE SEMESTER TWO RE VerbsIR Verbs FaireQuestion Words Préférer and Acheter Aller.


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Spring Semester Flip Chart
Transcription de la présentation:

FINAL EXAM NOTES Spring Semester Flip Chart

NameGrammar Concepts FRENCH ONE SEMESTER TWO RE VerbsIR Verbs FaireQuestion Words Préférer and Acheter Aller and the futur proche Adjectives as nouns Venir and the passé récent GER & CER VerbsPossessive Adjectives and de contractions

RE VERBS Like regular ER verbs, regular verbs that end in RE follow a conjugation pattern. RE VERB ENDINGS Je _snous _ons Tu _svous _ez Il/elle _ils/elles _ent Example –Nous attendons le bus = We’re waiting for the bus

RE VERBS Other regular RE verbs –Entendre = to hear –Perdre = to lose –Répondre = to answer –Vendre = to sell –Rendre = to return –Rendre visite a = to visit someone –Attendre = To wait for

FAIRE Faire is an irregular verb Faire = to do / to make je faisnous faisons tu faisvous faites il/elle faitils/elles font EXAMPLES –Elle fait du jogging –Nous faisons du ski –Ils font du patin

FAIRE Faire is often used with weather expressions –Il fait beau –Il fait du soleil Raining, snowing and freezing do NOT use faire. –Il neige –Il pleut –Il gèle

GER and CER verbs Verbs that end in –ger are conjugated like –er verbs in every form except the nous form Manger = to eat Je mangenous mangeons tu mangesvous mangez il/elle mangeils/elles mangent OTHER GER VERBS –Changer = to change –Echanger = to exchange –Corriger = to correct –Déranger = to disturb –Encourager = to encourage –Voyager = to travel

GER and CER verbs Verbs that end in –cer are also conjugated like –er verbs in every form except the nous form Commencer = to begin Je commenceNous commençons tu commencesvous commencez il/elle commenceils/elles commencent Other CER verbs –Placer = to place/put –Prononcer = to pronounce –Remplacer = to replace –Avancer = to go forward –Lancer = to throw

Préférer and Acheter The verbs préférer and acheter follow a slightly different pattern from other –er verbs. Préférer = to prefer Je préfèrenous préférons tu préfèresvous préférez il/elle préfèreils/elles préfèrent Other verbs like préférer –Espérer – to hope –Répéter – to repeat / rehearse

Préférer and Acheter Acheter = to buy je achètenous achetons tu achètesvous achetez il/elle achèteils/elles achètent Other verbs like acheter –Amener – to bring along someone –Emmener – to take along someone –Lever – to raise –Promener – to take for a walk

Adjectives as nouns To avoid repetition, you can drop a noun leaving an article and an adjective to stand for it. The article and adjective agree in gender and number with the noun that was dropped. –Le tee-shirt bleu ou le blanc? –Tu aimes le cahier jaune ou le rouge?

Adjectives as nouns You often use this when talking about preferences –Est-ce que tu aimes la grande télé ou la petite? –Je préfère la grande.

Question Words You know how to ask a yes/no question by using est-ce que and intonation –Tu aimes le base-ball? –Est-ce qu’il fait du jogging? To ask for other information besides yes or no, use a question word followed by est-ce que then a subject and verb

Question Words –Quand ~ when –Pourquoi ~ why –Que (qu’) ~ what –Comment ~ how –Qui ~ who –Avec Qui ~ with whom –Où ~ Where

Question Words Examples –Quand est-ce que tu fais du théâtre? –Avec qui est-ce qu’il joue au tennis? You DO NOT use est-ce que with a question word when they are followed by the verb être –Où est ton frère? –Comment est ton amie?

Aller and the Futur Proche The verb aller is irregular Aller = to go je vaisnous allons tu vasvous allez il/elle vails/elles vont * Je vais au cinéma. You can use aller plus an infinitive to talk about something that is going to happen in the near future. –Je vais jouer au basket. –Nous allons aller au lac. –Ils vont étudier demain.

Venir and the Passé Récent The verb venir is an irregular verb Venir = to come je viensnous venons tu viensvous venez il/elle vientils/elles viennent Example –Ils viennent au parc avec Paul They’re coming to the park with Paul

Venir and the Passé Récent You can also use venir plus de plus the infinitive of another verb to say something just happened. Examples –Je viens de téléphoner a Marie I just called Marie –Nous venons de manger We just ate.

IR VERBS The last group of regular verbs are IR verbs. IR VERB ENDINGS je isnous issons tu isvous issez il/elle itils/elles issent Other Regular IR Verbs –Choisir = to choose –Grossir = to gain weight –Maigrir = to lose weight –Grandir = to grow –Réussir (a) = to succeed / to pass –Finir = to finish

De contractions De can mean “of” or “from” One way we can use de is to show possession –Le frère de Marc. De can also contract with definite articles. –De + le = dude + la = de la –De + les = desde + l’ = de l’ Examples: –C’est le frère du père de ma cousine. –C’est le fils de la soeur de ma mère.

Possessive Adjectives In French, the possessive adjective agrees in gender and number with the word that comes after the possessive adjective. Masc. Singular Fem. Singular Plural MyMonMaMes Your (tu)TonTaTes His/herSonSaSes OurNotre Nos Your (vousVotre Vos TheirLeur Leurs

Possessive Adjectives Examples –Mon père est intelligent. –Sa soeur est belle. –Vos cousins sont sympas. For singular nouns that start with a vowel, use the masculine form of the possesive adjective…even when its feminine. –C’est mon amie Claudine. –C’est ton élève Emily.

Possessive Adjectives Another way to indicate possession is with the preposition de (d’) plus a person’s name. –C’est la soeur de Marc. –Ce sont les cousines de Pierre.