Direct object pronouns 1.Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or proper nouns. 2.They are really useful to avoid repetition. 3.An object pronoun replaces.


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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French

Les pronoms des objets indirects
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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
1 2 y en II I me le te la nous les lui vous leur l’
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Direct and Indirect Object Pronoun Notes
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Y and en Two little words with a lot of meaning. y.
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
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Direct and indirect object pronouns
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Direct object pronouns : me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les.
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SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
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Les compléments d’object direct Direct object pronouns le, la, l’, les.
Pronouns Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or proper nouns .
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
Transcription de la présentation:

Direct object pronouns 1.Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or proper nouns. 2.They are really useful to avoid repetition. 3.An object pronoun replaces a noun that is the object of the verb.

Je regarde souvent la télé. 1.What is the object of the verb? A direct object pronoun replaces a noun that is the object of the verb. -> je la regarde souvent.

Pierre mange le gâteau. subject Pierre le mange. object verb Pierre mange la tarte. subject verb object Pierre la mange. Direct object pronoun

meMe teyou Le (l’)Him / it La (l’)Her / it nousus vousyou LesThem The direct pronouns in French Example: Il me regarde He is watching me

Each of the following examples contains an example of a direct pronoun. Tu vois le ciel d’ici? Oui, je le vois. Tu as ton stylo? PUT THE PRONOUN DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE VERB oui, je l’ ai. Tu vois Paul et Sophie souvent? Oui, je les vois tous les jours

On pratique 1.Je mange le dessert. 2.Je fais mes devoirs 3.Je vois ma copine. 4.Nous attendons le bus. 5.Ils font le ménage. 6.Elle retrouve sa mère. 7.J’étudie le français. 8.Nous écoutons les musiciens. 1.He is watching me. 2.They are calling us. a. Je le mange. b. Je les fais. c. Je la vois. d. Nous l’attendons. e. Ils le font. f. Elle la retrouve. g. Je l’étudie. h. Nous les écoutons. i. il me regarde. j. ils nous appellent.

Now lets look at how to use pronouns in the negative.

 When you have a pronoun, the pronoun remains just in front of the verb Je ne l’aime pas Je ne les vois jamais  Normally the negative (ne…pas) goes around of the verb: je n’aime pas le foot.  Translate 1. I don’t have it. 2. We never understand her. 3. Don’t repeat it !  Answers 1. Je ne l’ai pas. 2. Nous ne la comprenons jamais. 3. Ne le répète(z) pas!

Now lets look at how to use pronouns with the perfect tense.

With the perfect tense, the pronoun goes before the auxiliary. Tu l’as vu? Oui, je l’ai vu. Tu as vu ton prof à la piscine? Tu as pris ton repas? Tu l’as pris? Oui, je l’ai pris.

With the perfect tense, the pronoun goes before the auxiliary. Oui, je l’ai vu Tu as vu ton prof à la piscine? Tu as vu la télé hier soir? Oui, je l’ai vue Quand as-tu acheté tes baskets? Je les ai achetées hier

Now lets look at how to use pronouns when there are 2 verbs.

 If they are two verbs, the pronoun goes before the infinitive. Je voudrais le savoir. Je vais le chercher.  Translate 1.I like to hear him. 2.He wants to have it. 3.They can’t miss it. 4.He has to leave us.  Answers 1. J’aime l’écouter/l’entendre. 2. Il veut l’avoir. 3. Ils ne peuvent pas le rater. 4. Il doit nous quitter.

Direct object pronouns 1. A pronoun replaces a noun 2. An object pronoun replaces a noun that is the object of the verb. 3. Direct means no preposition 4. me, te, le/la, nous, vous, les 5. They always go directly in front of the verb 6. In the past, the past participle must agree with the pronoun that is before the verb 6. If there are two verbs, the pronoun goes before the infinitive

Recap time  What are direct object pronouns?  How to use them in:  Present  Negative  Perfect  Two verbs

Mon père influence ma mère et ma sœur. Mon père influence ma mère et moi. Mon père influence mon frère. Je cherche la liberté. I hate them. I love you. He respects me. He doesn’t respect us. He respected me. One Direction? Je déteste. Je vais écouter One Direction. I don’t like them. I have always hated them. I am going to see him. Replace underlined text by pronouns/Translate/Fill in the gap

Mon père les influence. Mon père nous influence. Mon père l’influence. Je la cherche. Je les déteste. Je t’/vous aime. Il me respecte. Il ne nous respecte pas. Il m’a respecté(e). One Direction? Je les déteste. Je vais les écouter. Je ne les aime pas. Je les ai toujours détestés. Je vais le voir.