ALLER HOW DO WE CONJUGATE THE VERB ALLER? Click on the fleur de lys to advance to next slide.


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ALLER HOW DO WE CONJUGATE THE VERB ALLER? Click on the fleur de lys to advance to next slide.
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Transcription de la présentation:

ALLER HOW DO WE CONJUGATE THE VERB ALLER? Click on the fleur de lys to advance to next slide

















So, aller looks like this… Je vais Tu vas Il / elle va Nous allons Vous allez Ils / elles vont

Meaning? Je vais = I go, I am going Tu vas = you go, you are going Il va = he goes, he is going Elle va = she goes, she is going

Meaning? Nous allons = we go, we are going Vous allez = you go, you are going Ils / elles vont = they go, they are going


Je _________ au restaurant? vais vas va

Nous _______ à la maison. allez aller allons

Tu ________ au café? vais va vas

Lise et Martin _______ au café. vont vas va