Calendrier Wed. Sept. 28 Thur. Oct. 13 Sat. Oct 22* Wed. Nov. 2


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Transcription de la présentation:

Calendrier Wed. Sept. 28 Thur. Oct. 13 Sat. Oct 22* Wed. Nov. 2 Thur. Nov. 10 Tues. Dec. 6 2017 Dates TBA Sat. Dec. 17* Wed. Dec 21 Sat. Feb. 25 Mardi Gras Potluck *French Night Out

Bienvenue au Club de Français!

France 2016

Les Membres Lia Sydney Kat

Les Evènements de l’Année Study sessions Book club Tutoring system French Night Out Field Trips? The Rodin Museum Show in New York? Mardi Gras Potluck***

Horaire Habituelle Study Session/Tutoring Book Club 2:40 pm to 4:00 pm Can also take this time to read for book club or ask for help with the week’s reading Book Club 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Read book together and discuss what we’ve read

Book Club Books for the Year: Le Petit Prince Harry Potter (en français) Victor Hugo Les Misérables Alexandre Dumas Le Comte de Monte-Cristo Les Trois Mousquetaires

La Société Honoraire de Français Requirements: At least an A- in French 3 or French 4 At least a B in Honors French 4 or AP French Must continue taking French classes

La Société Honoraire de Français Plans for This Year Graduation Cords Will be earned at graduation upon fulfilling service hour commitment (and maintaining requirements to be in SHF) For all language honor societies Service Hours Can be earned through: Fundraiser Participation (TBA) Tutoring system (being a tutor) Participation in French Book Club

Calendrier Wed. Sept. 28 Thur. Oct. 13 Sat. Oct 22* Wed. Nov. 2 Thur. Nov. 10 Tues. Dec. 6 2017 Dates TBA Sat. Dec. 17* Wed. Dec 21 Sat. Feb. 25 Mardi Gras Potluck *French Night Out

Club T-Shirts CB East Club de Français 2016-2017
