On a post-it, write three facts about yourself. Lets swap our post-its! By asking questions, find who is the author of your post-it. Once youve found them,


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Transcription de la présentation:

On a post-it, write three facts about yourself. Lets swap our post-its! By asking questions, find who is the author of your post-it. Once youve found them, ask them, three more questions. Present them to the rest of the class. Je joue de la basse. Jaime la BD. Je suis passionnée de Lego. Depuis combien de temps apprends-tu le français? Pourquoi veux-tu apprendre le français? Quels sont tes points forts et tes points faibles? Pour briser la glace…

Questions de politique By the end of the lesson: I will be able to remember some vocabulary related to politics. I should be able to understand authentic French articles about politics. I could be able to know the gender patterns of certain words.

Écoutez la chanson et faites les activités de la feuille. La mort du peuple

le peuple la télé le président le premier ministre les ministres convoquer annoncer ? ? RgardéVnu Correct the shortened words. Fill in the blanks and match the words with the pictures. La mort du peuple

Highlight in the text the equivalent French phrases. We couldnt believe it. He was so sad. He toned it down. He told us wed have to deal with it. Find three adjectives ending in –é for each feeling: La mort du peuple annoyed panicked lost

le président le premier ministre les ministres la téléle peuple annoncer convoquer RgardéVnu Correct the shortened words. Fill in the blanks and match the words with the pictures. La mort du peuple RegardéVenu ? ?

Highlight in the text the equivalent French phrases. We couldnt believe it. He was so sad. He toned it down. He told us wed have to deal with it. Find three adjectives ending in –é for each feeling: annoyed panicked lost La mort du peuple On est resté le cul par terre. Il avait tellement de chagrin. Il a mis de leau dans son vin. Il nous a dit quil faudrait sy faire. paumé affolé agacé slang colloquial

Questions de politique By the end of the lesson: I will be able to remember some vocabulary related to politics. I should be able to understand authentic French articles about politics. I could be able to know the gender patterns of certain words.