Projet PCRI “Grand Large”, INRIA Futurs Equipes “Parallélisme” et “Architecture” du LRI Joffroy Beauquier.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Projet PCRI “Grand Large”, INRIA Futurs Equipes “Parallélisme” et “Architecture” du LRI Joffroy Beauquier

Mots Clé Applications réparties Parallélisme massif Internet Applications réparties Parallélisme massif Volatilité, défaillances Passage à l’échelle

Système Pair à Pair (Peer to Peer) Applications dédiées Toutes les ressources (PC) sont égales, les opérations se font à parité, de pair à pair. Applications dédiées Napster, Gnutella, Freenet, KaZaA, Music-city, Jabber, Projets de recherche Globe (Tann.), Cx (Javalin), Farsite, OceanStore (USA), XtremWeb (LRI), Pastry, Tapestry/Plaxton, CAN, Chord, Autres projets Cosm, Wos,, JXTA (sun), PtPTL (intel), PC volontaire Participant à la mise en relation entre Pair Volontaire Internet req. Client Volontaire Application Provider

Projets GRID Apples USA Application-Level Scheduling Bricks USA Performance evaluation for analysis and comparison of various scheduling DOCT USA The Distributed Object Computation Testbed (DOCT) is for handling complex documents USA Desktop software that should provide universal and pervasive source of computing power CERN Data Grid EU middleware for the data-intensive applications Folding@Home USA Covise DE Collaborative, Visualization and Simulation Environment Understanding how proteins self-assemble.   DAS NL Wide-area distributed cluster, parallel and dist. computing GLOBUS USA EROPPA EU Software to design, implement, and experiments with remote/distributed access to 3D graphic applications Basic software infra. for computations that integrate geo. distributed computational and information resources Globe EU Study and implement a unifying paradigm for the large-scale wide area distributed shared objects HARNESS USA Based on PVM. Parallel plug-ins, Peer-to-peer distributed control, and multiple virtual machines JaCo3 EU Java and CORBA Collaborative Env. for Coupled Simulations.. HTC USA Develop,deploy, and evaluate mechanisms and policies that support high throughput computing JaWs GR JaWS is an economy-based computing model MetaMPI DE MetaMPI supports the coupling of heterogeneous MPI InfoSpheres USA The Caltech Infospheres Project researches compositional systems, METODIS DE Metacomputing Tools for Distributed Systems - A metacomputing MPI for TCP/IP and ATM Javelin USA MOL DE Metacomputer OnLine is a toolbox for the coordinated use of WAN/LAN connected systems. Javelin: Internet-Based Parallel Computing Using Java LEGION USA Object-based metasystem. Transparent scheduling, data management, fault tolerance, site autonomy, Poznan Metacom. PL Development of tools and methods for metacomputing NASA IPG USA Testbed that provides access to a grid WAMM IT WAMM (Wide Area Metacomputer Manager) is a graphical tool, built on top of PVM. NETSOLVE USA UNICORE DE The UNiform Interface to Computer Resources allows users to submit jobs to remote high perf. Comp. resources PSE. RPC based client/agent/server system for remote access both hardware and software components PARDIS USA DesignDrug AU Molecular Modelling on Peer-to-Peer Grid Building PARallel DIStributed applications from CORBA to implement application-level interaction DISCWorld AU An infrastructure for service-based metacomputing WebFlow USA (GridSim) AU A Java-based Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of World Wide Grids. WebFlow can be regarded as a high level, visual user interface and job broker for Globus Nimrod/G AU A global scheduler for parametric computing WebSubmit USA A Web-based Interface to High-Performance Computing Resources NINF JP PSE

Notre approche pour l’étude des systèmes distribués Expérimentation en environnement contrôlé Prototypage Expérimentation Sur TestBed Fondamental théorie Logiciel, Plate-forme, Application, Utilisateurs Mesure, modèles, Algorithmes, … Emulateur, Simulateur, Euristique,

Aspect algorithmique Placer dans chaque composant logiciel un ressort, qui ramène le système dans une configuration correcte

Aspect algorithmique Stabilisation proportionnelle - Modélisation de l’adversaire Stabilisation proportionnelle Stabilisation instantanée Observation de la stabilisation

Centres de calcul traditionnels Observatoire Pierre Auger Aires: Simulation de douches atmosphériques : Temps d’exécution de 5 à 10 heures (dépend de la machine et des paramètres de simulation) Base de données de paramètres (Lyon, France) Centres de calcul traditionnels XtremWeb Server CINES (Fr) Nombre de PC estimé ~ 5000 paramètres PC worker Internet ou LAN Fermi Lab (USA) PC Client PC Worker Worker Aires

Aspect applicatif Des outils d’analyse Des senseurs Grid Explorer - émulation - simulation Une BD expérimentale Validation en situation