Highlight the silent letters Elicit feedback. Activation:


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Transcription de la présentation:

Highlight the silent letters Elicit feedback. Activation: Do Now: Highlight the silent letters Elicit feedback. Activation: Introduce Trapdoor speaking activity. Model. Elicit success criteria: eg pronunciation highlighted in Do Now Demonstration: Students practise in threes focusing on pronunciation. 2 have the dialogue, 1 assesses the pronunciation. Mini-Plenary: How far were the success criteria met? Use lolly sticks to elicit feedback from students on their peers. Recap factors that would make the description more interesting: ie adjectives. Hinge question: What is the difference in these 2 sentences? Elicit adjectival agreement. Explain adjectives grid. Students use dictionaries to look up adjectives to describe AJ noting masculine and feminine forms Plenary: Elicit responses. What rules can we deduce? Eg f: add –e, eux/euse ier/ière no need to add e if it is already there in masculine form HW: Create character description of AJ using trapdoor and adjectival agreement.


Comment améliorer notre prononciation? En classe mercredi premier (1) mai2013 Objectif: Comment améliorer notre prononciation?

Quelles sont les lettres qui ne sont pas prononcées? Soulignez-les. DO NOW! Quelles sont les lettres qui ne sont pas prononcées? Soulignez-les. et (and) deux enfants (two children) les yeux verts (green eyes) qui s’appellent (who are called) les cheveux blonds (blond hair) grand (tall) gentil (kind) Put these words into sentences.

Thierry, Vincent, Charlotte et Béa trente-quatre vingt-deux quarante Il s’appelle Alexandre Jacqueau et il a ans. Madeleine et Jean Pierre, Anne et Hugo Thierry, Vincent, Charlotte et Béa deux enfants trois enfants quatre enfants Aussi il est marié avec qui s’appellent les yeux verts les yeux bleus les yeux marron Suzanne. Mireille. Odile. et sa femme s’appelle Physiquement, il a Anna’s TES resources reminded me of this one! She calls it Trapdoor and it’s brilliant for a) memory and b) speaking (repetition with a reason!) It’s a competitive game in pairs. Each chooses and option for each sentence in their head. One starts reading out loud, trying to anticipate the other’s choices. Each time they make a choice, the partner either nods or shakes his/her head. If the choice is wrong, play passes to the partner who starts the same process. If it is the right choice, the student gets to continue. The aim is to get to the end first. Answers don’t change, so this is also a great memory developer. gentil. sympa. aimable. assez grand très grand vraiment grand les cheveux blonds et courts. les cheveux noirs et raides. les cheveux roux et bouclés. mais Il est et

Thierry, Vincent, Charlotte et Béa trente-quatre (34) vingt-deux (22) quarante (40) Il s’appelle Alexandre Jacqueau et il a ans. He is called and he is years old. Madeleine et Jean Pierre, Anne et Hugo Thierry, Vincent, Charlotte et Béa deux enfants trois enfants quatre enfants Aussi il est marié avec qui s’appellent Also he is married with who are called les yeux verts les yeux bleus les yeux marron Suzanne. Mireille. Odile. et sa femme s’appelle and his wife is called Physiquement, il a Physically, he has SEN version with English to support understanding and written task later on. gentil. sympa. aimable. assez grand très grand vraiment grand les cheveux blonds et courts. les cheveux noirs et raides. les cheveux roux et bouclés. mais but Il est He is et

Thierry, Vincent, Charlotte et Béa trente-quatre (34) vingt-deux (22) quarante (40) Il s’appelle Alexandre Jacqueau et il a ans. He is called and he is years old. Madeleine et Jean Pierre, Anne et Hugo Thierry, Vincent, Charlotte et Béa deux enfants trois enfants quatre enfants Aussi il est marié avec qui s’appellent Also he is married with who are called les yeux verts les yeux bleus les yeux marron Suzanne. Mireille. Odile. et sa femme s’appelle and his wife is called Physiquement, il a Physically, he has Anna’s TES resources reminded me of this one! She calls it Trapdoor and it’s brilliant for a) memory and b) speaking (repetition with a reason!) It’s a competitive game in pairs. Each chooses and option for each sentence in their head. One starts reading out loud, trying to anticipate the other’s choices. Each time they make a choice, the partner either nods or shakes his/her head. If the choice is wrong, play passes to the partner who starts the same process. If it is the right choice, the student gets to continue. The aim is to get to the end first. Answers don’t change, so this is also a great memory developer. gentil. sympa. aimable. assez grand très grand vraiment grand les cheveux blonds et courts. les cheveux noirs et raides. les cheveux roux et bouclés. mais but Il est He is et

Les devoirs: vendredi 10 mai Create a character profile for Alexandre Jacqueau avoir 3rd person être 3rd person s’appeler 3rd person 4 adjectives adjectival agreement (m, pl) 2 intensifiers 3 connectives

How can you explain the differences in these two sentences? Monsieur Field est grand, beau et gentil. Madame Mulder est grande, belle et gentille. Mr Field is tall, handsome and kind. Mrs Mulder is tall, beautiful and kind.

adjectifs old/young tired/energetic brave/scared shy/confident patriotic solid/weak proud/disdainful

Adjectival agreement Remplissez les blancs en cherchant les adjectifs dans le dictionnaire! masculin féminin anglais vieux old jeune young tired energetic brave scared shy confident patriotic solid weak proud disdainful

Adjectival agreement Remplissez les blancs en cherchant les adjectifs dans le dictionnaire! masculin féminin anglais vieux /vieil vieille old jeune young fatigué fatiguée tired énergique energetic courageux courageuse brave effrayé effrayée scared timide shy assuré assurée confident patriote patriotic solide solid faible weak fier fière proud dédaigneux dédaigneuse disdainful

Les devoirs: vendredi 10 mai Create a character profile for Alexandre Jacqueau avoir 3rd person être 3rd person s’appeler 3rd person 4 adjectives adjectival agreement (m, pl) 2 intensifiers 3 connectives