The country now known as Democratic Republic of Congo was formerly the personal property of the King of Belgium.


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Algeria was conquered by France in 1830 and remained a French possession until During this time the Arab and Berber residents of Algeria referred.
French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
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Year 7 French Homework Mme Janickyj
The nation now known as The Democratic Republic of Congo was at one time the personal property of the King of Belgium.
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French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
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Le Djibouti est le seul pays francophone à la côte de l’est d’Afrique
Bienvenue! Français 3. Il y a environ de 120 millions de gens qui parlent français en Afrique.
The formerly French countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauretania are amongst the countries known as The Maghreb.
Algeria was conquered by France in 1830 and remained a French possession until During this time the Arab and Berber residents of Algeria referred.
Djibouti is the only francophone country on the eastern coast of Africa. The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
Brazzaville, the capital of the francophone country of Congo Republic, is named after Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza.
Le cap le plus nord de l’Afrique est situé au pays francophone la Tunisie.
The film “Casablanca” is set in Morroco when it was a part of France.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
The war for independence in Algeria (1954 – 1962) was particularly brutal, especially with regard to violence committed by both sides against civilian.
Bonjour! jeudi, le douze octobre. The Indomitable Lions, the Cameroon national soccer team is one of the most successful in Africa.
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The formerly French countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauretania are amongst the countries known as The Maghreb.
Autrefois, l’actuel pays République Democratique du Congo était la propriété privée du roi de Belgique.
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Mussels and fries, which is thought of as being the national dish of Belgium, is also very popular in France.
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Djimon Hounsou, who has twice been nominated for Academy Awards® for best supporting actor, was born in Benin.
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Brazzaville, the capital of the francophone country of Congo Republic, is named after Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza.
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Transcription de la présentation:

The country now known as Democratic Republic of Congo was formerly the personal property of the King of Belgium.

jeudi, le vingt et un septembre Bonjour! jeudi, le vingt et un septembre

Pourquoi tombons-nous? Nous tombons pour apprendre comment se lever.

Sommes-nous prêt? Nous sommes prêts !

Avertissement!!! The first exam of the year will be tomorrow. It will cover all material covered in class and via homework in Unité R / P. Important things to review are all vocabulary on pp. 52, 32, 33, 18, 19 direct object / indirect object pronouns imparfait / passé composé connaitre / savoir

You will be allowed to use a dictionary taken from the side bookshelf, but you may not use the textbook or notes. M. Gerson is in this room during ninth period every school day. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you are struggling with some aspect of the class.

La revue: Je connais la littérature russe La revue: Je connais la littérature russe. Je connais beaucoup de poésie russe. Je connais cinq romans de Victor Hugo. Je connais Fort Collins, je peux trouver tous les bons restaurants. Je connais La France. Je sais où sont tous les bons restaurants. Je sais les titres de cinq romans de Victor Hugo.

Practice test

Essayez! p. 29

Essayez! p. 41

Billet de sortie Translate into French: Tommorow I will succeed at my exam.