Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.


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The country now known as Democratic Republic of Congo was formerly the personal property of the King of Belgium.
During the “scramble for Africa” (1880 – 1914) France colonized a large area in northern and western Africa. It gained further African territories from.
The nation now known as The Democratic Republic of Congo was at one time the personal property of the King of Belgium.
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The formerly French countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauretania are amongst the countries known as The Maghreb.
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Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
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Salim Bachi est écrivain qui est né en Algérie et qui vit maintenant en France où il écrit en français.
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LESSON OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, I will be able to:
Travail de cloche Translate into French. I am cold. I am hungry. I am ashamed of my pencil. My history test is difficult. I hate Thursday.
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Travail de cloche Write three sentences: the first must use the verb prendre and a type of sandwich as the direct object. the second must use the verb.
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Quelle heure est-il? français b.
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J’ai une question! Objectifs: 1) Poser une question de 3 manières différentes.
Les Mots Intérrogatifs
Travail de cloche jeudi, le premier mars
mardi, le dix neuf décembre.
Travail de cloche Quelle est la chose la plus surprenant que vous avez lu dans le lecture pour aujourd’hui.
Travail de cloche Write a single sentence which uses qui and que.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We were ten years old when Justin was born.
Travail de cloche Write a sentence of at least five words which uses the verb aller in le conditionnel.
Travail de cloche mercredi, le vingt huit février
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We play chess frequently. We play tennis occasionally. We rarely play cards. We never read graphic novels.
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: They buy Mr. Clean and we clean the bathroom.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Bertand is happy that we who fly the fastest planes are all beavers.
During the “scramble for Africa” (1880 – 1914) France colonized a large area in northern and western Africa. It gained further African territories from.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I was buying green pants when Charles arrived and ate a purple pie.
Transcription de la présentation:

Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.

jeudi, le dix neuf octobre Bonjour! jeudi, le dix neuf octobre

Pourquoi tombons-nous? Nous tombons pour apprendre comment se lever.

Sommes-nous prêt? Nous sommes prêts !

Avertissement!!! The second unit exam, worth 100 points, will be tomorrow, Friday, Ocotber 20. It will focus on Unit 2 in D’Accord but anything which has been discussed during the semester might be covered. Using this PowerPoint as a study guide is highly recommended.

Conjugate the verb avoir

Write the French words for seven courses at school.

parler je parle nous parlons tu parles vous parlez il /elle parle elles / ils parlent Write six regular “ER” verbs.

What are the four ways to ask a question What are the four ways to ask a question? Vocal expression Est-ce que Inversion Tag phrase Use the four methods to turn this statement into a question. Vous dansez le tango.

Write the time indicated in words, using 24 hour time Write the time indicated in words, using 24 hour time. 3:58 PM 6:15 AM 9:30 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 AM

après-midi aujourd’hui demain matin un jour le soir / la soirée dernier premier une note prochain dificile facile utile inutile passer un examen rater un examen les devoirs la cantine une bourse rentrer parce que porquoi peut-être

Use the “avoir expressions” in a sentence.

Billet de sortie Write a sentence using a regular “ER” verb.