La famille = Family.


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Transcription de la présentation:

La famille = Family

les grands-parents le grand-père = papy la grand-mère = mamie les parents le père = papa la mère = maman le mari la femme l’époux l’épouse = grandparents = grandfather/grandpa = grandmother/grandma = parents = father = daddy = mother = mummy = husband = wife = male spouse = female spouse

With your shoulder partner, play: 1) hangman 2) tic-tac-toe Game With your shoulder partner, play: 1) hangman 2) tic-tac-toe

les enfants les petits-enfants le frère la soeur le fils la fille le petit-fils la petite-fille l’oncle = tonton la tante = tata = children = grandchildren = brother = sister = son = daughter = grandson = granddaughter = uncle = aunt

With your shoulder partner, play: 1) hangman 2) tic-tac-toe Game With your shoulder partner, play: 1) hangman 2) tic-tac-toe

le neveu la nièce le cousin la cousine le parrain la marraine le beau-père la belle-mère le demi-frère la demi-soeur = nephew = niece = male cousin = female cousin = godfather = godmother = father-in-law/stepdad = mother-in-law/stepmom = half/step brother = half/step sister

le bébé l’enfant = baby/infant = child/toddler

Game: Bingo On your desk, draw a table: 4 columns x 4 rows. First Game: Write the family members in French Second Game: Write the family members in English.

L’arbre généalogique des Simpsons

Chanson: Ma famille – Alain Le Lait As you listen to the song, write down on your desk (or activity notebook) the family members you hear.

Chanson: La famille Tortue As you listen to the song, write down on your desk (or activity notebook) the family members you hear.

Chanson: La famille Tortue Jamais on n’a vu Jamais on ne verra La famille Tortue courir après les rats Le papa Tortue, et la maman Tortue et les enfants Tortue iront toujours au pas.

Color Code Le + Masculine Noun le + Feminine Noun les + Plural Noun

Les animaux domestiques = Pets

le chien la chienne le chat la chatte le poisson le cheval le hamster le cochon d’inde = male dog = female dog = male cat = female cat = fish = horse = hamster = guinea pig