La République centrafricaine


Présentations similaires
Le pronom en Some or any. Notice the use of en in the responses. 1. Tu fais du jogging. Oui, jen fais. 2. Vous avez fait de la gymnastique? Oui, nous.

Le pronom y Leçon 18. Examples Notice the use of the pronoun y in the following sentences:Notice the use of the pronoun y in the following sentences:
Les pronoms Y et EN. Les pronoms – révision Use pronouns to avoid repeating words.
Direct and indirect object pronouns
Le Verbe Aller au Présent
Les pronoms Y et EN.
Bonjour! lundi, le deux octobre. The grand mosque of Dakar, Senegal is one of the most famous sites in western Africa.
Algeria was conquered by France in 1830 and remained a French possession until During this time the Arab and Berber residents of Algeria referred.
In memory of September 11, 2001 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
Abdou Diouf is a former president of Senegal and a former secretary-general of the International Organization of the Francophonie.
Bonjour! mardi, le dix octobre. On October 2, 1958, Guinea became the first of France’s colonies in Africa to achieve independence.
Une si longue lettre (A Very Long Letter) is a novel by Mariama Bâ of Senegal which discusses the problems of modern women living in traditional African.
Une si longue lettre (A Very Long Letter) is a novel by Mariama Bâ of Senegal which discusses the problems of modern women living in traditional African.
Je suis un petit oeuf sur une feuille.
During the “scramble for Africa” (1880 – 1914) France colonized a large area in northern and western Africa. It gained further African territories from.
New Caledonia was an impotant allied military base during World War II
In memory of September 11, 2001 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
mardi, le douze septembre
French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
mercredi, le onze octobre
Algeria was conquered by France in 1830 and remained a French possession until During this time the Arab and Berber residents of Algeria referred.
The Niger River (Le fleuve niger) flows through the francophone countries of Guinea, Mali. Niger, and Benin before emptying into the ocean via Nigeria.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
Couscous, a dish which has become extremely popular throughout France, is historically a favorite meal of people from the Maghreb.
Bonjour! mardi, le dix octobre. On October 2, 1958, Guinea became the first of France’s colonies in Africa to achieve independence.
The northern-most point of mainland Africa is in the francophone nation of Tunisia.
The film “Casablanca” is set in Morroco when it was a part of France.
Loango Park in the francophone country Gabon is home to such diverse animals as gorillas, hippopotamuses, and whales.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
The war for independence in Algeria (1954 – 1962) was particularly brutal, especially with regard to violence committed by both sides against civilian.
Acarajé, peeled black-eyed peas formed into a ball and then deep-fried, is a traditional dish in the francophone nation Benin.
Indochina, the current nations of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, was a French colony between
Le Jour du souvenir.
The formerly French countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauretania are amongst the countries known as The Maghreb.
The northern-most point of mainland Africa is in the francophone nation of Tunisia.
mercredi, le premier novembre
Assia Djebar (1936 – 2015) an Arab author who was born in Algeria, wrote extensively (in French) of the struggles of women to achieve equality in post-independence.
Object Pronoun "EN".
The film “Casablanca” is set in Morroco when it was a part of France.
Jacques Brel, who was born in Belgium but whose musical career was based in France, wrote and performed songs about the joy, heartbreak, and folly of love.
Arthur Honneger (1892 – 1955) was a Swiss composer whose compositions made use of both classical and modern elements.
Vevey, which is the site of the world headquarters of Nestlé, is a on the banks of Lake Geneva in la Suisse romande.
Arthur Honneger (1892 – 1955) was a Swiss composer whose compositions made use of both classical and modern elements.
New Caledonia was an impotant allied military base during World War II
La République centrafricaine
La République centrafricaine
The francophone portion of Switzerland is known as La Suisse romande
The francophone portion of Switzerland is known as La Suisse romande
Les pronoms Y et EN.
Djimon Hounsou, who has twice been nominated for Academy Awards® for best supporting actor, was born in Benin.
In the francophone nation of Côte d’Ivoire, it is illegal to use any language other than French when giving the name of the country.
Bonjour! mardi, le seize janvier. Marseilles, a port on the Mediterranean Sea, is the second largest city in France.
Charles DeGaulle ( ) was the leader of the Free French forces during World War II and the president of France upon the establishment of the Fifth.
Les Bourgeois de Calais is a work art by Auguste Rodin which commemorates an incident during the Hundred Years War.
Les Pronoms Y et EN Blanc 18.
Raison (reason) Méthode (method/how) Chose ou action (thing or action)
Quarter 3 Review Français 5.
Les Pronoms Y et EN Blanc 18.
Les Pronoms Y et EN Blanc 18.
Travail de cloche Translate into French. I am cold. I am hungry. I am ashamed of my pencil. My history test is difficult. I hate Thursday.
Brazzaville, the capital of the francophone country of Congo Republic, is named after Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I like to visit Paris in the springtime.
Le Passé Composé avec Être
travail de cloche vendredi, le dix neuf janvier
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We were ten years old when Justin was born.
When the first American troops arrived in France to fight during World War I, their commander, Gen. John Perhing proclaimed “Lafayette, we are here!”
Travail de cloche Translate into French: They buy Mr. Clean and we clean the bathroom.
Travail de cloche mardi le trente janvier
Travail de cloche Translate into French: That week, Jacques and Claude were visiting France, and on Wednesday we visited Alain.
During the “scramble for Africa” (1880 – 1914) France colonized a large area in northern and western Africa. It gained further African territories from.
Transcription de la présentation:

La République centrafricaine The Central African Republic was once called the Central African Empire during the time when it was ruled by a military dictator who proclaimed himself Emperor La République centrafricaine L’Empereur Bokassa I

mardi, le trente et un octobre Bonjour! mardi, le trente et un octobre

Pourquoi tombons-nous? Nous tombons pour apprendre comment se lever.

Sommes-nous prêt? Nous sommes prêts !

La Révision Pour le petit déjeuner j’ai mangé des Cheerios, mais j’ai toujours faim. Ce matin, je n’ai pas mangé de Cheerios, donc j’ai encore faim. Ce matin, nous nous sommes brossés les dents. Ce matin, nous ne nous sommes pas brossés les dents. Ce matin Bob L’Éponge ne s’est pas souvenu de se brosser les dents.

Quelles sont les maladies qu’on peut guérir sans un médecin Quelles sont les maladies qu’on peut guérir sans un médecin? Pourquoi va-t-on aux urgences? Allez-vous souvent chez le médecin? Avez-vous besoin d’un médecin maintenant?

Hier, Justin est allé à l’hôpital Hier, Justin est allé à l’hôpital. Il y va le lundi pour une séance de la thérapie physique. Nous allons au Stade Coors pour voir les Rockies. Nous y allons pour les voir. Elles regardent les films au Bistro Cinemark. Elles les y regardent.

Luc a besoin de chocolat. Luc en a besoin Luc a besoin de chocolat. Luc en a besoin. Vous avez besoin de quatre litres d’essence. Vous en avez besoin de quatre. J’achète trois gateaux pour la fête le dimanche. J’en achète trois.

Tu penses à la voiture de ta mère. Oui, j’y pense Tu penses à la voiture de ta mère? Oui, j’y pense. Justin pense à Celine, la castore qu’il adore. Il lui pense. Elles parlent à leurs amis le dimanche soir. Elles leur parlent. Elles parlent de leurs amis le dimanche soir. Elles en parlent.

Elles parlent de la politique à l’université. Elles y en parlent Elles parlent de la politique à l’université. Elles y en parlent. Y pensez toujours, n’en parlez jamais.

Je suis tombé à la piste de ski. J’y suis tombé Je suis tombé à la piste de ski. J’y suis tombé. Benny Goodman a joué à Carnegie Hall. Benny Goodman y a joué. Le soldat chantait de la bataille glorieuse, et il est devenu fier. Il en chantait.

Billet de sortie Replace the appropriate nouns with “y” or “en” in the following sentence. La reine de Danemark est allée à Walmart où elle a acheté cinq chemises.