Les Adjectifs Qualificatifs Irreguliers


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les Adjectifs Qualificatifs Irreguliers

These are adjectives wehre the feminin and the plural do not follow the regular rules for adjectives Sometimes for the irregular adjectives, you have to look in the dictionary to figure out the correct word for feminin or plural.

Quelque indices The adjectives that end in “e” have the same form in masculin as in feminin. Masc. Sing Fémin. Sing Masc. Plur. Fém. Plur Bizarre Bizarres Pratique Pratiques Rouge Rouges rouges

For certain adjectives, you double the end consonant and add and e in the feminin form. Masc. Sing Fémin. Sing Masc. Plur. Fém. Plur Bon Bonne Bons Bonnes Canadien Canadienne Canadiens Canadiennes Gros Grosse grosses

The adjectives ending in eux become euse, at the feminin Masc. Sing Fémin. Sing Masc. Plur. Fém. Plur Aventureux Aventureuse Aventureuses Heureux Heureuse Heureuses Merveilleux merveilleuse merveilleuses

Some adjectives that end in eur also end in euse when they are in the feminine Masc. Sing Fémin. Sing Masc. Plur. Fém. Plur Charmeur Charmeuse Charmeuses Travailleur Travailleuse Travailleurs travailleuses

Adjectives ending in eaux end in elle in the feminine Masc. Sing Fémin. Sing Masc. Plur. Fém. Plur Beau/ bel Belle Beaux Belles Nouveau/ nouvel Nouvelle Nouveaux nouvelles

Placement: Most adjectives are placed after the noun, however, some are placed in front of the noun. But, the following adjectifs qualicatifs are irregular and are placed before the nouns: Beau bon dernier excellent vieux Gros haut jeune long mauvais Méchant meilleur nouveau petit grand

For homework Oral presentation: Write a brief paragraphe using adjectives about your favourite person. You will be presenting these on Monday.