C’est la baleine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY_7j93I0GA.


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Transcription de la présentation:

C’est la baleine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY_7j93I0GA

C’est la baleine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY_7j93I0GA qui tourne qui vire comme un joli petit navire Prenez garde à votre doigt ou la baleine le mangera This is the whale which turns which veers like a pretty little ship Watch your finger or the whale will eat it

C’est la baleine – Chanson activités The song can be used as a miming activity, as follows:  C’est la baleine (make a fist to represent the whale) qui tourne (fist making a circle one way) qui vire (fist making a circle the other way) comme un joli petit navire (fist making a waving motion like a ship on water) Prenez garde (spread the other hand and look at it) à votre doigt (point one finger) ou la baleine (other hand in a fist moves towards the finger) le mangera (fist grabs the finger) Give a number from 1 to 8 to each student. Each number represents a part of the song, as follows. Pupils sing/mime their part. 1. c’est la baleine 5. prenez garde 2. qui tourne 6. à votre doigt 3. qui vire 7. ou la baleine 4. comme un joli petit navire 8. le mangera