Test de vocabulaire La technologie.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Test de vocabulaire La technologie

Il faut travailler aussi vite que possible! Chaque group doit avoir: 1 – coureur 2 – auteur 3 - chercheur “Feedback” – Il faut donner votre réponse à CSL après l’avoir faite.

Correction des devoirs (traduction) The new law has been introduced by the government. There would not have been a problem. I would have gone into town if I had done my homework.

Correction des devoirs (traduction) By giving money to the poor, I am helping people. Social responsibility is the most important thing. We are working better to help the underprivileged.

Correction des devoirs (traduction) Unemployment continues to be a big problem. There would only be 2 percent unemployment. It is the responsibility of the rich to help the poor. Money? I would like to give it to a charitable organisation.

Pour terminer … Une minute sur: La technologie