Initial Hires Not initially Hired Contracted Service Director NGA 13


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Transcription de la présentation:

Initial Hires Not initially Hired Contracted Service Director NGA 13 Derek Newland Administrative Assistant NGA 6 Carmen Syed IT Analyst NGA 9C Chris Buckingham Deputy Director NGA 12 Amy Steinhilber Maint Tech NGA 7 Vacant HR Asst. NGA 7 Vacant Budget Officer NGA 10 Gina Cook Programs Coordinator NGA 10 Lorie McNeil Commandant of Operations NGA 10 Announced Nurse Practitioner NGA 10 Vacant Lead Instructor NGA 10 Selected Log Spec. NGA 8 Harv Nelson Instructor NGA 9 Vacant Counselor NG A 9 Vacant Recruiter (Boise) NGA 8 Announced Mentor Coordinator NGA 8 Vacant Med Asst NGA 7 Vacant Med Asst NGA 7 Vacant Counselor NGA 9 Vacant Recruiter (Pocatello) NGA 8 Announced Instructor NGA 9 Vacant Case Manager Post Res NGA 7 Vacant Shift Supervisor NGA 8 Vacant Shift Supervisor NGA 8 Vacant Shift Supervisor NGA 8 Vacant Training Spec NGA 9 Vacant Counselor NGA 9 Vacant Instructor NGA 9 Vacant Case Manager Post Res NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Instructor NGA 9 Vacant Case Manager Post Res NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Instructor NGA 9 Vacant Case Manager Post Res NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Case Manager Post Res NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Case Manager Post Res NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Initial Hires Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Cadre Team Leader NGA 7 Vacant Not initially Hired Contracted Service

Hiring Plan POSITIONS / HIRING SCHEDULE 1 Director (NGA 13) Hired 1 Director (NGA 13) Deputy Director (NGA 12) Budget Officer (NGA 10) IT Systems Analyst (NGA 9C) Logistics Specialist (NGA 8) Administrative Assistant (NGA 6) May 2013 Programs Coordinator (NGA 10) Annc. Commandant of Ops. (NGA 10) Selected Lead Teacher/Principal (Contract) Recruiting/Admissions (Boise) (NGA 8) Recruiting/Admissions (Pocatello) (NGA 8) Maintenance Tech. (NGA 7) July 2013 Counselor (NGA 9) Case Manager (NGA 7) 2 Cadre Team Leader (NGA 7) Human Resources Asst. (NGA 7) August 2013 1 Instructor (Contract) Counselor (NGA 9) Case Manager (NGA 7) 12 Cadre Team Leader (NGA 7) September 2013 3 Shift Supervisor (NGA 8) Nurse Practitioner (Contract) Medical Assistant (Contract) 43 Total Positions