Chantons, c’est la saison la plus belle De beaux chants pour le Dieu


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Transcription de la présentation:

Chantons, c’est la saison la plus belle De beaux chants pour le Dieu Bientôt ce sera Noël Chantons, c’est la saison la plus belle De beaux chants pour le Dieu Car il est vraiment l’amour Quand Jésus Christ est né Trois rois mages l’ont visité Chacun lui avait offert Un cadeau de son Coeur À l’espoir du monde Christmas indeed is coming Everybody should be singing Of lovely sounding carols for God is love And that’s the reason When Christ was born that evening He had been visited by three kings And everyone of them Had brought a special gift That they offered Him At ang bawa’t isa ay nagsipaghandog ng tanging alay Ang Pasko Ay Sumapit (Christmas is Here) A traditional Christmas song from the Philippines Adapted by M. Escueta French translation by M. Escueta and Mme Methot   Ang pasko ay sumapit, tayo ay mangagsiawit ng magagandang himig, dahil sa ang Diyos ay pag-ibig Nang si kristo’y isilang, May tatlong haring nagsidalaw at ang bawa’t isa ay nagsipaghandog ng tanging alay