Qui est-ce? NB: This version of Guess Who has been created using copyright free images from www.clker.com There are versions of the game available to.


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Notes for the teacher: This PowerPoint is designed to accompany the sound file Touchez un crayon which has instructions to either touch or show 8 classroom.

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Introductory slide to see what pupils remember.
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Objectifs: Describing eye colour & hair colour and style
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Introductory slide to see what pupils remember.
T__ b___! Et t__? C______ ç__ v_?
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Qu’est-ce que tu as dans ta trousse?
Comment sont les cheveux ?
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Tu as les cheveux comment ?
Tu es comment? Je suis… grand(e) petit(e) gros(se)
Les instructions en classe
Connaissez-vous la France ?
Mettez vos devoirs dans la boîte rouge prennez les devoirs 2.2 B
Tu es comment?.
Les formes et les couleurs
les formes et les couleurs
Salut cher orange! Monsieur Couleur
WALT: Say what we have/don’t have
les instructions Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires
La description.
Révision! This lesson is about consolidating all the language learnt so far about music, likes, dislikes and reasons and bringing it together so that pupils.
Révision! This lesson is about consolidating all the language learnt so far about music, likes, dislikes and reasons and bringing it together so that pupils.
L’orchestre des animaux
Starter activity Can you remember all the colours in French?
Comment est-il? Comment est-elle? Comment es-tu?
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S1 describing people To be able to describe your personality
S1 describing people To be able to describe your personality
S1 describing people To be able to describe your personality
S1 - descriptions To be able to describe yourself in French
S1 describing people To be able to describe your personality
S1 descriptions You are going to create a comic in French with others in your class. Today – to revise he has/ she has he is / she is to learn how to give.
Transcription de la présentation:

Qui est-ce? NB: This version of Guess Who has been created using copyright free images from www.clker.com There are versions of the game available to download free from TES resources which use commercial images, which teachers can download, if they prefer. Whilst I’ve tried to obtain as differentiated a range of faces as possible, I was limited to those I could find copyright free. Therefore the range of eye colour is limited, and the selection is far from representative of the diversity of population in any country! However, the variety of hair length, colour etc will be a useful stimulus for practice of this language, and the game should be fun! Amazon also has some French versions of the game available: Card version https://www.amazon.co.uk/Shuffle-100202034-Est-Ce-language-version/dp/B00KGB3DSE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1535351297&sr=8-1&keywords=qui+est+ce Travel version https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hasbro-CE-VOYAGE-QUI-EST/dp/B00R2D6DYU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1535351297&sr=8-2&keywords=qui+est+ce

vocabulaire C’est ? une fille un garçon Tu as …? les yeux bleus/ marron/ verts/ gris les cheveux marron/ blond/ noir/ roux les cheveux longs/mi-longs / courts les cheveux raides/ bouclés/ ondulés une couette (pony tail) Tu portes …? des lunettes (glasses) Les taches de rousseur = freckles un chapeau (hat) une casquette (cap)

Martine Lilou Robert Janine Fabien Luc Giselle Amandine Éric Georges This is the game board. To play this whole class, the teacher needs to take the PowerPoint out of presentation mode and remove the characters during the game in response to the pupils’ questions. Use Slide 4 for this. When pupils are confident with the whole class version, they could play in pairs (car boot sales often have copies of this game and it is worth trying to get as many as possible!) Éric Georges Nathalie Jean-Paul Cécile Nicolas Jacques Sandrine

This is the game board. To play this whole class, the teacher needs to take the PowerPoint out of presentation mode and remove the characters during the game in response to the pupils’ questions. When pupils are confident with the whole class version, they could play in pairs (car boot sales often have copies of this game and it is worth trying to get as many as possible!)