Oral presentation - IRA


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Transcription de la présentation:

Oral presentation - IRA Outline of the presentation List of sources & thanks IRA Nicolas Marine Anais English – Oral Presentation Lucas Didier BENOIT Master d’administration publique

The outline of the presentation What are the IRA ? How to enter in the IRA ? How is the schooling at the IRA ? What happens after the schooling ? What are the opportunities of the career ? What are the skills and competences to have ?

List of sources & thanks http://www.ira-metz.fr/ https://ira-bastia.gouv.fr/ https://extranet.ira-lyon.gouv.fr/ http://www.ira-nantes.gouv.fr/ https://www.ira-lille.gouv.fr/ https://www.fonction-publique.gouv.fr/score/ecoles-de-formation/ira-et-ena/ira https://infos.emploipublic.fr/article/les-instituts-regionaux-d-administration-ira-eea-5627 Thanks for your attention !