+ Do Now: What do you think the focus of our new SoL is going to be? (15 mins) Watch the film clip from Un long dimanche de fiancailles from beginning.


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Transcription de la présentation:

+ Do Now: What do you think the focus of our new SoL is going to be? (15 mins) Watch the film clip from Un long dimanche de fiancailles from beginning – 2m37; 3m 24 – 5m 35 Elicit feedback: What do you think the focus is? Dump it down! Dump down everything you know about WW1 (chance for students to recall their learning from History WW1 SoL) On tables, organise knowledge into categories eg trenches/key events/places/emotional impact/weapons Elicit feedback from each table Big Picture: explain the SoL. We will be studying WW1 for the next 5 weeks from the French perspective. By the end of the 5 weeks, you will conduct a piece of creative writing, imagining you are the soldier AJ writing a letter). We will be watching clips of films, looking at real letters and conducting some thinking skills activities. You will be required to work in pairs, small groups and on your own. Your knowledge and understanding about WW1 will help you. Activation: 10 mins 1. Show Fifi Framboise: Je mappelle.../Jai.../Je suis... (should activate prior learning from Murder Mystery SoL) Model aloud how to complete gaps and thinking process for choosing the words from the box. 2. Show how to put into 3 rd person Elicit feedback What was my thinking process? How did I work it all out? Demonstration: 9 mins Show students photo of AJ. Students 1.complete cloze text using the words from the box and borrowing Ts thinking process. 2.Put text into 3 rd person Extension: What extra information could be included? Elicit feedback Plenary: What information is missing? eg adjectives? intensifiers? (7 mins) Demonstration: Improve your descriptions (3 mins) Plenary: Ticket out the door: Answer the objective question

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Je mappelle Il sappelle Jai Il a Je suis Il est He is I am called He has He is called I am I have How could you complete these phrases? Faites correspondre les phrases françaises et anglaises

Je mappelle Il sappelle Jai Il a Je suis Il est He is I am called He has He is called I am I have How could you complete these phrases? Faites correspondre les phrases françaises et anglaises

Je mappelle ________ ____________. Jai _____ ans. Je suis _______ avec _____ _________ qui sappellent ________ et ________. Ma femme sappelle Suzanne. Jai ________ _____ et _____________ ________. Je suis _______ et ___________. Alexandre Jacqueau deux enfants grand gentil Jean Madeleine trente-quatre les yeux verts les cheveux blonds et courts marié

Je mappelle ________ ____________. Jai _____ (34) ans. Je suis _______ ( married) avec _____ _________ (2 children) qui sappellent ________ et ________. Ma femme sappelle Suzanne. Jai ____ _____ _____ (green eyes) et _____ __________ ______ __ ______(short blond hair). Je suis _______ (tall) et ___________(kind). Alexandre Jacqueau deux enfants grand gentil Jean Madeleine trente-quatre les yeux verts les cheveux blonds et courts marié

Je mappelle Alexandre Jacqueau. Jai trente-quatre ans. Je suis marié avec deux enfants qui sappellent Madeleine et Jean. Ma femme sappelle Suzanne. Jai les yeux verts et les cheveux blonds et courts. Je suis grand et gentil. Alexandre Jacqueau deux enfants grand gentil Jean Madeleine trente-quatre les yeux verts les cheveux blonds et courts marié

1.Comment sappelle-t-il? 2.Quel âge a-t-il? 3.Est-il marié? 4.Il est comment physiquement? 5.Quelle sorte de personne est-il?

Il sappelle Alexandre Jacqueau. Il a trente-quatre ans. Il est marié avec deux enfants qui sappellent Jean et Marie. Sa femme sappelle Suzanne. Il a les yeux verts et les cheveux blonds et courts. ll est grand et gentil. How can we improve this to make a more detailed description?

adjectifs old/youngtired/energetic brave/scaredshy/confident patrioticsolid/weak proud/disdainful

Adjectival agreement Remplissez les blancs en cherchant les adjectifs dans le dictionnaire! masculinfémininanglais vieux old jeune young tired energetic brave scared shy confident patriotic solid weak proud disdainful

Adjectival agreement Remplissez les blancs en cherchant les adjectifs dans le dictionnaire! masculinfémininanglais vieux /vieilvieille old jeune young fatiguéfatiguée tired énergique energetic courageuxcourageuse brave effrayéeffrayée scared timide shy assuréassurée confident patriotique patriotic solide solid faible weak fierfièreproud dédaigneuxdédaigneusedisdainful

adjectifs vieux/jeunefatigué/énergique courageux/effrayé timide/assuré patriotiquesolide/faible fier/dédaigneux

Décrivez Madeleine et Jean

Traduisez les phrases suivantes: Life in the trenches was hard, dangerous and depressing. Often there were rats. Because of the rain, it was very muddy. Despite the weapons, the soldiers often were helpless.