Du / De la / Des L/O to learn to ask for ‘some’ of an item


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A bit about ADJECTIVES in French.
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Article some masculine feminine plural ©NicoleRichelle.
Transcription de la présentation:

Du / De la / Des L/O to learn to ask for ‘some’ of an item mercredi le 11 octobre Du / De la / Des L/O to learn to ask for ‘some’ of an item

Three words for some = du = de la = des

(ie words that have end in s or that you know have les before them) du is for masculine words (ie words that have nm before them in a dictionary or that you know have le before them) de la is for feminine words (ie words that have nf before them in a dictionary or that you know have la before them) des is for plural words (ie words that have end in s or that you know have les before them)

Les bonbons Je voudrais ………… des bonbons

Le chocolat Je voudrais ………… Du chocolat

La glace Je voudrais ………… de la glace

Le pain Je voudrais ………… Du pain

Les pommes Je voudrais ………… des pommes