Les objets directs We use direct object in daily speech, it is just a matter of recognizing them.
Quest-ce que cest? A direct object is always a NOUN. A direct object answers the questions who or what. A direct object receives the action of the verb. I am adding the butter to the pan. Ask yourself: What am I adding? The answer is the DIRECT OBJECT of the SENTENCE: the butter. The action of adding is happening to the present.
Identifiez… Did you buy the zucchini? What did you buy? __________________________ What is receiving the action of buying? ___________ We are going to make the stew. What are we making? _________________________ What is receiving the action of making? ___________ They are stirring the pot. What are they stirring? _______________________ What is receiving the action of stirring? __________
Une grave ERREUR!!! A Direct Object will NEVER follow a preposition/ prepositional phrase. Les exemples: À Dans De En Sous Sur ARRÊTE!!!! Je mets la courgette dans le potage.
Cest à vous… Jajoute les carottes dans la salade. Elle coupe le poivron pour la pizza. Tu mets le maïs sur la salade? Qui aime la cerise sur la glace? The direct object is USUALLY found immediately after the verb.
Avec être When you use the verb être, the Direct Object of the sentence and the subject is often the same thing. Ce potage est très bon! La poêle est pleine! (full) This RARELY happens with any other verb.
Quoi maintenant? Being able to identify the direct object is the first step…. Replacing the direct object with the correct direct object pronoun est très important! Why would you want to replace it…? If you speak about it again of course!
Les compléments des objets directs (COD) Singulier me (me) te (you) Pluriel nous (us) vous (you) Use these to REPLACE a UNDERSTOOD (subject) DIRECT OBJECT. Use these to REPLACE a UNDERSTOOD (subject) DIRECT OBJECT.
Les compléments des objets directs (COD) Singulier me (me) te (you) le (him, it) la (her, it) Pluriel nous (us) vous (you) les (them) Use these to REPLACE a PREVIOUSLY stated DIRECT OBJECT. Change to l in front of a vowel
A direct object pronoun follows the verb. Where are ? I put them in the bowl. the strawberries Dans une phrase… anglaisfrançais A direct object pronoun goes IN FRONT of the verb. Où sont ? Je les mets dans le bol. les fraises
Les exemples… Où sont Où mets-tu Où est les champignons? la spatule? le couvercle? Nous les mettons sur la pizza. Je la mets dans la casserole. Je le mets sur la casserole.