La Bonne Forme Les Verbes en ER. La Bonne Forme Set-Up and Play: This is a great activity to get students saying complete sentences with correct verb.


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Transcription de la présentation:

La Bonne Forme Les Verbes en ER

La Bonne Forme Set-Up and Play: This is a great activity to get students saying complete sentences with correct verb forms that has them demonstrate that they know the meaning of the verb and can come up with sentences quickly. Begin the activity by reviewing the verb forms that students will use in the activity. Choose two students to go to the board and give each a fly swatter. Begin each slide with a single click on each slide that will reveal a verb (infinitive) and a subject pronoun. Students then see 4 possible verb forms. The first to swat the correct form wins the first part of the round. A second click shows a circle around the correct form. The next click will show a question word and the winning student must now say a complete sentence with the subject, verb and answer to the question word. If the sentence is correct, he/she remains and a new student is called up to play the next round. If the sentence is not correct the opponent gets a chance to win and continue against a new challenger if he/she can say a sentence that is correct.

il/parler parlesparlez parle parlons Avec qui? Quand?

tu/habiter habites habitent habitons habite Où? Avec qui?

je/travailler travaillent travailles travaillez travaille Où? Quand?

nous/étudier étudie étudiez étudions étudient Où? À quelle heure?

elles/écouter écoutentécoutez écoutes écoute Qui? Où?

vous/voyager voyagesvoyagent voyageons voyagez Où? Quand?

ils/jouer jouejouent jouer jouez À quoi? Comment?

elle/regarder regardent regardes regarde regardez Qui? Où?

tu/aimer aimeraime aimez aimes Quelle activité?

je/danser dansezdanses danse dansons Avec qui? Où?

nous/chanter chantonschantent chanter chante Où? Quand?

vous/donner donnentdonnes donnez donnons Quoi? À qui?

il/arriver arrivezarrive arrives arrivent Où? À quelle heure?

elles/fermer fermezferment fermes ferme Quoi? Où?

mangemangent mangeons manges nous/manger Quoi? Quand?

lavezlavons lave lavent vous/laver Quoi? Quand?

assistezassiste assister assistes tu/assister À quoi? Quand?

nagernagez nagent nages elles/nager Où? Quand?

aideaidons aides aident il/aider Qui? Où?

je/parler parlesparlez parle parlons Avec qui? Quand?

elle/habiter habites habitent habitons habite Où? Avec qui?

ils/travailler travaillent travailles travaillez travaille Où? Quand?

vous/étudier étudie étudiez étudions étudient Où? À quelle heure?

elle/écouter écoutentécoutez écoutes écoute Qui? Où?

nous/voyager voyagesvoyagent voyageons voyagez Où? Quand?

il/jouer jouejouent jouer jouez À quoi? Comment?

tu/regarder regardent regardes regarde regardez Qui? Où?

je/aimer aimeraime aimez aimes Quelle activité?

vous/danser dansezdanses danse dansons Avec qui? Où?

ils/chanter chantonschantent chanter chante Où? Quand?

tu/donner donnentdonnes donnez donnons Quoi? À qui?

nous/arriver arrivezarrive arrives arrivons Où? À quelle heure?

elle/fermer fermezferment fermes ferme Quoi? Où?

mangemangent mangeons manges je/manger Quoi? Quand?

lavezlavons lave lavent ils/laver Quoi? Quand?

assistezassiste assister assistes vous/assister À quoi? Quand?

nagenagez nagent nages il/nager Où? Quand?

aideaidons aides aident je/aider Qui? Où?