Travail de cloche Dites quelque chose sur un sujet que vous pensez est important.


Présentations similaires
Français A mardi le vingt-six janvier. Nameseptembrejanvierchange XXXXXXXXX Average January score: 1 – 42 4 – 39.

Bonjour! mardi, le dix octobre. On October 2, 1958, Guinea became the first of France’s colonies in Africa to achieve independence.
Les anciens pays français l’Algérie, la Mauritanie, le Maroc, et la Tunésie font paartie de l’Organisation du Maghreb.
mercredi, le onze octobre
The formerly French countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauretania are amongst the countries known as The Maghreb.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
Couscous, a dish which has become extremely popular throughout France, is historically a favorite meal of people from the Maghreb.
Commencez La cloche sonnée
Bonjour! jeudi, le douze octobre. The Indomitable Lions, the Cameroon national soccer team is one of the most successful in Africa.
Indochina, the current nations of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, was a French colony between
The formerly French countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauretania are amongst the countries known as The Maghreb.
Commencez La cloche sonnée
Assia Djebar (1936 – 2015) an Arab author who was born in Algeria, wrote extensively (in French) of the struggles of women to achieve equality in post-independence.
Paul van Haver, dit Stromae, est un chanteur « rap » qui est né à Bruxelles d’un père rwandais et d’une mère belge.
mercredi, le treize décembre
Jacques Brel, who was born in Belgium but whose musical career was based in France, wrote and performed songs about the joy, heartbreak, and folly of love.
Arthur Honneger (1892 – 1955) was a Swiss composer whose compositions made use of both classical and modern elements.
Djimon Hounsou, who has twice been nominated for Academy Awards® for best supporting actor, was born in Benin.
L’Orchestre de la Suisse romande reached an exceptional level of excellence under the leadership its founder, Ernest Ansermet.
In the francophone nation of Côte d’Ivoire, it is illegal to use any language other than French when giving the name of the country.
Les jours de la semaine (the days of the week)
Bonjour! La Classe de Français.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Although he was king, Louis XVI was lazy.
Travail de cloche Translate into French. I am cold. I am hungry. I am ashamed of my pencil. My history test is difficult. I hate Thursday.
Travail de cloche Write a sentence about swimming.
The Overseas Collectivity of French Polynesia has local autonomy over all government functions other than foreign relations and defence.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: It is essential that Snow White eats the poisoned apple.
Travail de cloche mercredi, le seize mai
Travail de cloche Dites au revoir à février en disant pourquoi vous êtes heureu(x)(se) ou triste que ce soit le dernier jour du mois.
The Overseas Collectivity of French Polynesia has local autonomy over all government functions other than foreign relations and defence.
Travail de cloche Où cachez-vous vos bonbons?.
Travail de cloche Pensez à un personnage du livre que vous venez de finir. Quel cadeau, que vous pouvez acheter à, voulez-vous lui donner?
Travail de cloche Êtes-vous ému(e) par le poème “Demain dès l’aube”?.
Travail de cloche Qui est la mère de la soeur de votre père?
Travail de cloche Translate into French replacing the direct object with an appropriate pronoun. They gave three bananas to Justin and me.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: After I withdraw money from the ATM I will go to the jewelry store and buy a necklace.
Le bagne de la Guyane française, qui a inclus l’Île du Diable, était notoire pour le traitement brutale de ses prisonniers.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: When I visited my grandfather I wore a white shirt, gray pants, blue socks, and black shoes.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Hermoine’s magic wand is more powerful than mine, but my glass shoe is more elegant than hers.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: The plays which are the best known are those about which the teachers speak.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I do not think that Justin, who is rich, can sing the school song.
Travail de cloche Write a sentence about Napoléon Bonaparte which uses a demonstrative pronoun and the subjunctive.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: If I decide to become a fireman, I will study chemistry at a university in Pennsylvania.
Travail de cloche jeudi, le premier mars
Travail de cloche Translate into French Justin wants to put the tablecloth and the napkins on the table. You (plural) can fill (remplir) the bowls and.
mardi, le dix neuf décembre.
Bien qu’il soit né en Allemagne, Jacques Offenbach (1819 – 1889) est devenu le mieux connu compositeur des operettes françaises pendant le Deuxième Empire.
Travail de cloche Si vous étiez résident d’une ville assiégée, et vous étiez affamé, et finalement le siège est terminé, que serait la première chose.
Travail de cloche Pensez à l’intrigue de deux livres que vous avez lu pendant ce semestre. Comment sont-ils similaires et comment sont-ils différents?
Travail de cloche Qui est un nouveau personnage de votre livre? Pensez-vous qu’il soit héros ou malfaiteur?
Travail de cloche mardi, le vingt sept février
Travail de cloche Quelle est la chose la plus surprenant que vous avez lu dans le lecture pour aujourd’hui.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: That is the box in which Schroedinger kept his cat.
Travail de cloche Write a single sentence which uses qui and que.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We were ten years old when Justin was born.
Le Musée d’Orsay in Paris is primarily dedicated to impressionist art.
Travail de cloche Write a sentence of at least five words which uses the verb aller in le conditionnel.
Dites quelque chose qui vous ferez heureu(x)(se) aujourd’hui.
Travail de cloche mercredi, le vingt huit février
Travail de cloche Translate into French replacing the direct object and indirect object with appropriate pronouns. They gave three cinnamon rolls to Justin.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I will eat lunch tomorrow at Chez Pierre and they will serve Anne and me so quickly that we will return here.
Travail de cloche Quelle était la meilleure chose et la pire chose que vous avez fait pendant la fin de semaine?
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Travail de cloche mardi le trente janvier
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Bertand is happy that we who fly the fastest planes are all beavers.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I am looking for a house with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room, and a swimming pool.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I was buying green pants when Charles arrived and ate a purple pie.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: It is good that Sidney Crosby is his favorite player and that Evgeni Malkin is hers.
Transcription de la présentation:

Travail de cloche Dites quelque chose sur un sujet que vous pensez est important.

Despite two centuries of jokes about him being short, Napoléon Bonaparte was 5’7” tall, which made him taller than the average French man of his era.

mercredi, le sept novembre Bonjour! mercredi, le sept novembre

Avertissement! Avertissement! Il y a du danger, Will Robinson!

Examen: mardi, le treize novembre.

Jean de Florette Notre Dame de Paris


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