Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Travail de cloche mercredi, le neuf mai Pourqoui est-ce que c’est la dernière classe?
Vendredi, vendredi Rah, rah, rah On y va
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Bonjour! mercredi, le neuf mai The end is near! Any assignment which is shown as incomplete as of Monday May 21 will become a zero. It is your responsibility to determine if you have any incomplete assignments and to make-up that work. If you have any questions about make-up work, speak to M. Gerson. The final exam, which will be comprehensive, will be on May 23.
Pourquoi tombons-nous? Nous tombons pour apprendre comment se lever.
Sommes-nous prêt? Nous sommes prêts !
la moitié conquérir je conquiers nous conquérons tu conquiers vous conquérez elle conquiert ils conquèrent Nous avons conquis ri
un redingote
L’histoire sainte
La dernière classe
Trouvez l’arme du crime!
Révision Unité 5
Billet de sortie Que veulent faire les gens qui assiste à la dernière classe de M. Hamel?