Le Comparatif des Adjectifs


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7 Le comparatif des adjectifs Les normes: –Communication 1.2 –Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: –What are the three forms of the comparison construction?
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7 Le comparatif des adjectifs Les normes: –Communication 1.2 –Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: –What are the three forms of the comparison construction?
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© 2015 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.1B.1-1 Comparisons in French are formed by placing the words plus (more), moins (less), or aussi.
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Le comparatif des adjectifs
Comparisons in French are formed by placing the words plus (more), moins (less), or aussi (as) before adjectives and adverbs, and the word que (than, as)
La Comparaison des adjectifs
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Transcription de la présentation:

Le Comparatif des Adjectifs Ch. 7, Français I

Le Comparatif When comparing two people or things, you use: 1. plus...que (more…than) Ex) Le pantalon est plus long que le short. 2. moins…que (less…than) Ex) Les sandales sont moins confortables que les baskets. 3. aussi…que (as…as) Ex) Le prof est aussi strict que les autres profs.

Le Comparatif - Personne You use the stress pronouns moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, and elles after que (qu’) when comparing people. Il est aussi intelligent que moi. Elle est plus intelligente qu’eux.

Traduisez en français: Sandals are more comfortable than shoes. The grey skirt is shorter than the yellow skirt? French is more difficult or easier than math? The girls are nicer than him. The jeans are less expensive than the pants.

Ouvrez vos livres. Page 230. Activité 16.