KS2 Yr6 French – Lesson 82 That’s a date.


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______________________ Quelle heure est-il?
Copyright 2011 – Les Chiffres Copyright 2011 –
Quelle heure est-il?
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Les nombres
Transcription de la présentation:

KS2 Yr6 French – Lesson 82 That’s a date

LEARNING OBJECTIVE To be able tosay the year in French

How do we say the year in French? 1948 neuf cent quarante huit mille

1952 1964 1975 1981 1993 2005 2010 mille neuf cent cinquante deux Can you say these dates? 1952 mille neuf cent cinquante deux mille neuf cent soixante quatre 1964 mille neuf cent soixante quinze 1975 mille neuf cent quatre vingt-et-un 1981 mille neuf cent quatre vingt treize 1993 deux mille cinq 2005 deux mille dix 2010

Or Call out the year and children write down name of celebrity Call out a celebrity and children write down the year of their birth in numbers. Or Call out the year and children write down name of celebrity mille neuf cent quatre- vingt trois mille neuf cent soixante-quinze mille neuf cent vingt huit mille neuf cent quarante sept Give children statement, eg X est né en 1948. Ask children to give you the name of the famous person. Alternatively, give children the name of the famous person and they give you the year. mille neuf cent quatre- vingt-dix mille neuf cent quarante –et -un

mille huit cent dix-neuf mille neuf cent vingt six Can you match the birth year to these famous people and put them in chronological order? mille huit cent dix-neuf mille neuf cent vingt six Display a time line on the board showing images of people representing different historical eras. Display the years they were born and ask children to match the person to the year and put them into the correct order. soixante neuf BC mille neuf cent cinquante neuf mille quatre cent quatre –vingt-onze