Vocabulaire 3.3 Français II
2 Tu as une idée de cadeau pour ___? Do you have a gift idea for ___? Try the following in the above blank: –Maman –Jean –nos parents
3 Qu’est-ce que je pourrais offrir à ___? What could I give to ___?
4 Offre-lui ___. Give (to) him / her ___. To make this a negative command, you can say, –Ne lui offre pas ___.
5 Offre-leur ___. Offer (to) them ___.
6 Tu pourrais lui / leur offrir ___. You can offer (to) him / her / them ___.
7 peut-être maybe
8 Bonne idée! Good idea!
9 C’est original. That’s unique.
10 Tu as raison. You’re right.
11 D’accord. OK.
12 C’est trop cher. It’s too expensive.
13 C’est banal. That’s ordinary.
14 Ce n’est pas son style. That’s not his / her style.
15 Il / Elle en a déjà un(e). (S)he already has one (of them).
16 les bonbons (m.) candies
17 la boîte de chocolats box of chocolates
18 le cadre photo frame
19 les fleurs (f.) flowers
20 le foulard scarf
21 le portefeuille wallet
22 le sac à main purse
23 le vase vase
24 la boutique de cadeaux gift shop Remember that there are gifts in this shop. Although department stores (les grands magasins) are popular in France, there are many small specialty shops.
25 la confiserie candy shop
26 le fleuriste florist’s shop
27 la maroquinerie leather shop
28 la papeterie stationery or paper goods store
29 la carterie postcard shop une carte postale = postcard
30 la parfumerie perfume store le parfum = perfume
31 la bijouterie jewelry store un bijou = a piece of jewelry
32 le disquaire CD / music store
33 Bonne fête! Happy holiday! Happy saint’s day!
34 Joyeux (Bon) anniversaire! Happy birthday!
35 Bonne fête de Hanoukkah! Happy Hanukkah!
36 Joyeux Noël! Merry Christmas!
37 Bonne année! Happy New Year!
38 Meilleurs vœux! Best wishes!
39 Félicitations! Congratulations!
40 Bon voyage! Have a good trip! by plane or ship
41 Bonne route! Have a good trip! by car
42 Bon rétablissement! Get well soon!
43 le compléments indirects We’re going to review two indirect objects this chapter: m(e)nous t(e)vous luileur
44 le compléments indirects lui = to / for him / her leur = to / for them These pronouns replace a phrase that begins with à or pour followed by a person or persons. Lui / leur never refer to things.
45 le compléments indirects Place lui / leur in front of a conjugated verb: –Tu leur offres un cadeau? –Je ne lui parle pas souvent.
46 le compléments indirects If there is an infinitive, lui / leur probably will go in front of it: –Tu pourrais lui offrir un bracelet. –Je ne vais pas leur acheter de fleurs.
47 le compléments indirects In an affirmative command, place lui / leur after the verb, connected to it with a hyphen. –Offre-lui des bonbons! –Achète-leur un cadeau.
48 le compléments indirects In an negative command, lui / leur go before the verb, just like in normal declarative sentences. –Ne lui parle pas!
49 Pratiquons! Répondez aux questions suivants en utilisant le pronom complément lui ou leur. –Tu parles à ton ami? –Tu offres un cadeau à tes parents? –Tu achètes un foulard pour ta mère?