Français II
Is something wrong? 2
What’s wrong? 3
You don’t look well. 4
I don’t feel well. 5
I’m wiped out. 6
I didn’t sleep well. 7
I hurt all over! 8
I’m sneezing a lot. 9
Bless you! 10
I’m sick. 11
I’m sick to my stomach. 12
I’ve got a runny nose. 13
I’ve got a cold. 14
I’ve got the flu. 15
I have allergies. 16
I have a fever. 17
to hurt one’s ___ 21
to break one’s ___ Use the definite article, not the possessive adjective with parts of the body after se couper, se casser, and se fouler. 22
to sprain one’s ankle 23
to cut one’s finger 24
Ow! p. 191 À la française 25
Ouch! p. 191 À la française 26
Whew! (when you’ve finished doing something physically difficult) p. 191 À la française 27
In France, you go to the pharmacy ( la pharmacie ) for both over-the-counter medicines, such as cough syrup and aspirin, and for prescription medication. 28
You can’t get a prescription filled at the grocery store as you can in the U.S. 29
Only the pharmacy, easily spotted on the street by its green sign in the shape of a cross, will honor a doctor’s prescription. 30
Many of the verbs you use to tell about injuries are reflexive. They follow the same pattern in the PC as other reflexive verbs you’ve learned. 32
Exemples : Je me suis cassé la jambe. Tu t’es cassé le doigt. Elle s’est cassé la cheville. 33
Exemples : Nous nous sommes cassé la jambe. Vous vous êtes cassé le bras. Ils se sont cassé les doigts. 34
When a direct object follows a reflexive verb, as in the sentences on the last two slides, the PP does NOT agree with the subject. 35
In this chapter, the DO is probably going to be a part of the body. Elle s’est coupée. BUT Elle s’est coupé le doigt. 36
Think of how many expressions we use in English that involve a part of the body. 37
My eye! (My foot!) You’re pulling my leg! My eyes are bigger than my stomach. I put my foot in my mouth. 38
I made it by the skin of my teeth. Could you give me a hand? He’d cut off his nose to spite his face. You’re shooting yourself in the foot. 39
Think about how such expressions add to a language. They make it more expressive and colorful. 40
Learning such expressions in French would make your informal speech more authentic. 41
Ils se sont fâchés. 47
Il parle beaucoup. 48
Dis-moi la réponse. Je ne peux pas deviner. 49
Il conduit très mal. 50
Il a fait ça facilement. 51
Il est très généreux. 52
Il a réussi facilement. 53
Je suis très fâché(e). 54