Leçon 4: L’heure Mlle Muhr French 1. The Hour There are 60 minutes in every hour. Each hour can be divided into 4 parts: 15/60 or 1/4. 0 15 30 45.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Leçon 4: L’heure Mlle Muhr French 1

The Hour There are 60 minutes in every hour. Each hour can be divided into 4 parts: 15/60 or 1/

Key Vocabulary Quelle heure est-il? “What time is it?” Il est... “IT IS...” Il est une heure. HOUR IS FEMININE! Il est deux heures. Add an “s” for anything more than one!

Vocabulary cont. midi = noon Il est midi. minuit = midnight Il est minuit.

A.M. vs. P.M. Use the following expressions to distinguish between a.m. and p.m.: du matin - in the morning Il est dix heures du matin. de l’après-midi - in the afternoon Il est deux heures de l’après-midi du soir - in the evening Il est huit heures du soir.

Minutes For the minutes you just add them after “heures” example: 10:10 Il est dix heures dix.

“A quarter past an hour” In French, to say it is 15 minutes past the hour we say it is the time plus a quarter. et quart EXAMPLE: 2:15 We could say: Il est deux heures quinze. But in French we say: Il est deux heures et quart. “It’s a quarter past 2”.

“Half past the hour” To say that it is half past the hour, we say it is that hour plus a half: et demie. Example: 2:30 Il est deux heures et demie. “It’s two-thirty.”

“A quarter till the hour” To say that it is a quarter till the hour, we say the hour it is MINUS a quarter: moins le quart EXAMPLE: 2:45 Il est trois heures moins le quart. “It’s a quarter to three.”

Try these on your own... 1) 10:00 a.m. 2) 11:15 a.m. 3) 12:00 p.m. 4) 3:30 p.m. 5) 4:45 a.m. 1) Il est dix heures du matin 2) Il est onze heures et quart. 3) Il est midi. 4) Il est trois heures et demie. 5) Il est cinq heures moins le quart.

Military time The 24-hour clock In France, official time is based-off of the 24- hour clock (i.e. a train schedule or a t.v. schedule). U.S. time --> Military time Add 12 hours Military time --> U.S time Subtract 12 hours

Try these on your own... Change the following times from the 24-hour clock to the 12-hour clock. 1) 18h 2) 20h30 3) 13h10 4) 15h27 5) 22h59 1) 6 p.m. 2) 8:30 pm 3) 1:10 pm 4) 3:27 pm 5) 10:59 pm

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Key phrases cont. Quelle est la date? “What is the date?” C’est le 27 octobre. To express a date in French, the pattern is: le + number + month

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